Creepy Joe and His Full-of-Gas ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ Balloon – Opinion

The Inflation Reduction Act isn’t going to reduce inflation. That’s clear. Joe lied. People are going to pay for those lies. And when I say “people,” that means everyone.

Joe’s been lying since before I was born. Prior to most Americans being born. And one should never lose sight of the fact that not only is Joe a congenital and consistent fabricator, embellisher of his life events and career, he’s also hair-sniffing, handsy, shower-with-the-daughter, creepy old coot. Joe’s creepy, handsy self seemed a perfect metaphor for a carney grifty-grifter and the absurdly titled, “Inflation Reduction Act.”

America has been flooded with hot gas by Creepy Joe, his pick-pockets and his band. While Joe cops a feel and asks for a sniff ‘o hair, the Democrats are stealing America blind.

You should hide your children and wallets. The years 2023-2024 will be costly.

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