Comically Degenerate: Would-be Kavanaugh Assassin a ‘Sissy Slave,’ ‘Trans Gamer Girl’

It’s not surprising that people who would try to kill Supreme Court justices online would be doing some very depraved and twisted things. Town Hall reported August 10 that the would-be Kavanaugh assassin was, on the website Reddit, “Sophie, the trans gamer girl.” Really.

In investigating Nicholas John Roske, the FBI “identified several Reddit accounts Roske operated in recent years — one of which the suspect used to embrace his transexual “femme” and submissive “sissy slave” persona, according to the search warrant applications filed in federal court,” said TownHall. 

Kavanaugh’s assassination was committed by degenerate leftists. You would not have believed it!

But, unfortunately, there’s more. Reddit user Roske wrote that he is suffering from a depressive disorder. Townhall said, “In the pair’s latest session, the counselor observed his patient’s ‘steadily declining mental state’ and advised Roske to return to taking medicine to help remedy his ‘existential angst.’ A year prior, Roske questioned on Reddit if medication helps with ‘intellectual anxiety.’”

Yeah, if the weird sexual fetish stuff didn’t already indicate his declining mental state, then this is the nail in the coffin.

The Reddit account u/AmericanNick was also Roske and was active on “r/GamerPals” identifying himself as a “trans gamer girl seeking friend,” and he introduced himself as “Sophie”, his female alter ego. He was also, in a separate Reddit community, “scouting for ‘play partners’,” and described himself as someone “pretty kinky,” said Town Hall. 

Simply put, leftism can be described as a mental disorder. It’s pure brain rot that can get people to attempt assassinating a SCOTUS justice in the name of killing babies.

God Bless America, for we are more dependent on Him than ever. 

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