CNN’s Cupp: GOP’s ‘Regressive Bulls***’ Will Destroy the Party

Overturning the Constitution has sparked a furious frenzy in liberal media Roe V. Wade. CNN’s panel affirmed that the mantra “never let any crisis go to waste”, is still the most popular dogma. Day of the NewOn Monday, the Republican Party took solace in the belief that the Supreme Court’s decision would push it into political irrelevance.

The panel began — with a somber “what now” tone reserved for major U.S. military defeats, terrorist attacks, and Republicans winning court cases — with Brianna Keilar asking, “How different, Laura, are women’s rights in America this morning?”



Laura Jarrett focused on the upcoming legal challenges over abortion pills, “I think the real fight that you’re going to see play out is what happens with medicated abortion, the two pills that induce abortion — I mean, over half of women in this country who get an abortion are actually doing it through these two pills right now.” 

John Berman moved the discussion onto politics and asked CNN’s S.E. Cupp, “What are — now that anti-abortion activists got what they wanted, right, which is to overturn Roe Vs. Wade, what happens now politically, do you think?”

Cupp indulged in some wishful thinking, “It is difficult to see the Republican Party being able to survive this. Um — between anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ, book banning, anti-democracy — I mean, add all of the regressive bullshit — uh, garbage, sorry, to this — I don’t take that back — um, add it all together and I don’t know who is left in the future — in future generations to be drawn to this party.”

The radical Left has given the GOP a pretty simple platform to run on which Cupp inadvertently summed up: don’t kill babies, don’t have children attend sexually explicit pride parades and drag shows, stop school-age kids from reading literal pornography, and maintain election integrity. All of these are defensive measures against an increasingly radical progressive movement, but in Cupp’s mind the Republican Party is the one pushing “regressive bullshit?” 

Cupp was not ashamed of her profanity. So stunning. It’s so courageous.

But this wasn’t the end for Cupp’s bad takes. Later on in the panel, Keilar asked her about the economic repercussions of the decision for lower-income women, “I mean, there’s a nonpartisan study two years old out of NBER, and the initial finding said that when women have access to abortion — uh, and when it’s taken away, when that access is taken away, there is a large increase in financial distress that is sustained for years.”

Cupp responded with this absolute headscratcher, “Listen, I’m — I’m pro-life, I sympathize with the pro-life position, but I’m a modern gal. This is something I can understand. For — for many women, I don’t judge that. Und Roe is the law. It’s more than me. It’s always been..”

As a general rule, whenever someone says something follows it with “but,” whatever they say before the “but” is — to use one of Cupp’s favorite words — “bullshit” (and yes, “I don’t take that back.”).

Flippant observations aside, it is truly frightening that much of the professional pundit class thinks “I’m a modern gal” and “it’s older than me” are good reasons for legalizing child murder.

This media group therapy session was made possible by Marcum and Safelite. You can find their contact information here.

Click “Expand” to see the relevant transcript. 

CNN’s Day of the New
7:08 AM ET

BRIANNA KEILAR : We’ll be discussing this with CNN anchors Laura Jarrett (Navigation Anchor) and Poppy Hartlow (Navigation Political Commentator S.E. Cupp, Irin Carmon Senior Correspondent, New York Magazine. Co-author of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Life and Times: The Notorious ROBG.

Let’s start by looking at this broad overview. Laura, is it any different today when women’s rights are protected in America?

LAURA JARRETT says Dramatically. Oh, dramatic right away. Even before. I mean, think about the fact that Texas effectively banned abortion months ago — um, and we’re here right now. Life as — as women know it — um, has been dramatically changed from what we knew for the past 50 years. The question is, I believe, what’s next?

And I think the real fight that you’re going to see play out is what happens with medicated abortion, the two pills that induce abortion — I mean, over half of women in this country who get an abortion are actually doing it through these two pills right now. FDA claims they are safe. They also claim they are more effective than Viagra. According to the Attorney General, these pills cannot be banned by states. But states plan to ban these pills. Then what?

JOHN BERMAN: Um — I think the FDA said you can’t ban them for safety reasons.


BERMAN: This could end up being the core of this legal issue. 

JARRETT: But it’s an — 


JARRETT : But it’s a huge loophole. If, in fact, Merrick Garland’s side on this, which he — he believes he has the argument here, that the federal government has the last say, it preempts state law, as Poppy knows —

POPPY HARLOW: A big question.

JARRETT: So it’s a really big question. However, if two pills can be used to induce an abortion for up to ten week, this is fundamentally different from what the states currently do, which is to ban abortions at fertilization.

S.E.: Brianna asks the correct question, which is the kind of now what. What are — now that anti-abortion activists got what they wanted, right, which is to overturn Roe vs. WadeDo you believe that the future of politics is now?

S.E. S.E. Um — between anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ, book banning, anti-democracy — I mean, add all of the regressive bullshit — uh, garbage, sorry, to this — I don’t take that back — um, add it all together and I don’t know who is left in the future — in future generations to be drawn to this party.

Looking back on 2016, you will see that people voted Trump because of a variety of reasons. Some of these were garbage but others legitimately economic and foreign policy. People who vote for Trump more, MAGA more now have very few motivations, so they are less of those. When you consider that I am thinking for the very first time, Jeff Toobin may be able help us to understand why. One generation might then be able, as Jeff Toobin has, to claim that they had rights that we don’t enjoy today. It was the first time that a right had been re-instituted. Um — I can’t imagine how Republicans message to new voters and don’t just keep shrinking and condensing.

IRIN CARMON: May I jump in? I mean, I — I hear you on that but I think that we are — we cannot take for granted that a younger generation isn’t actually cheering a backlash to the kind of progress that we saw. All you have to do is go on the internet and go into the manosphere, go into men’s rights — uh, like —

CUPP: Sure.

CARMON: — there is a profound dislocation because of the progress that certain groups have made, and this is seen — wrongly, I think — as a zero-sum game, whether it’s progress for LGBTQ individuals, women and other people who can become pregnant, controlling their reproduction, Black Lives Matter, Trump was elected on that backlash and I don’t think that backlash has gone away, even as they’ve accomplished some goals. This feeling persists that you can control the reproduction of another person’s life.

CUPP: Absolutely. But that view —

CARMON : I’m referring to the fact that there are some who agree with this.

CUPP: — in the minority, if you look at the spectrum of where people are on abortion, eight percent of this country wants a full ban. This is considered an extremist minority at eight percent. Most people want legal abortion — I count myself in this category — legal abortion with restrictions. And then you’ve got folks who want no restrictions, they are also a minority. So, absolutely they’re there — believe me, I hear from them — 


CUPP — but it’s an increasingly minority position.

CARMON: However, the system that we have protects it from political accountability.

CUPP: Yeah.


7.15.59 ET

BERMAN: You know, again, I’m — eh, it’s, it’s — we’re waking up on a Monday morning here with a different country than we woke up with on Friday and everyone I think is trying to figure out how to navigate it now.

Poppy, I know you are a business reporter. This area is home to many diverse companies.

HARLOW: There are many. You probably do have a graph. As if there were a lot. Most — most I would say — most of the really big — uh, companies right now are coming out from Starbucks, Goldman Sachs, Meta, Facebook, Disney, and saying they will help employees travel if they need to, fund this, help protect that. Others aren’t.

However, I believe the effect is felt by women who are not employed in these businesses. So — so then what? Justice Ginsburg also warned us. Then, what next?

I mean, there’s a nonpartisan study two years old out of NBER, and the initial finding said that when women have access to abortion — uh, and when it’s taken away, when that access is taken away, there is a large increase in financial distress that is sustained for years.


CUPP: Yeah.

KEILAR: Right? If you’re in Texas and there are 40,000 — I mean, there — there’s probably not going to be 40,000 babies born in the next year that would not have been born. While I can imagine that some women will travel to other countries in order to get an abortion, others may end up having thousands. What is the responsibility of, say, Republican senators who normally don’t want to vote for spending on social safety net — uh, items that would protect the families and the babies that may need it?

CUPP – It’s almost too late. This should have been part of our plan, it was. Um — the idea that we’re going to have an army of police and prosecutors going out to round up women and doctors and Uber drivers and whomever else is tangentially connected to this is medieval and draconian. And it’s the responsibility of our legislators both at the federal and state and local levels to figure this out for us and not just allow this kind of chaos and draconian — um, you know, experience to happen to us. 

Poppy rightly points out that this will mainly affect rural and poor women, who are often denied access to any kind of medical care. Um — so it’s really irresponsible of legislators — um, it’s not the Supreme Court’s job to do this, but it is the job of legislators to put in place some protections for what’s about to happen. You said that there were more Americans alive today than people who had never been to America. Roe. It’s more than 30 years old than I am. It is more common than you think. This is why we have to make it a reality.

Listen, I’m — I’m pro-life, I sympathize with the pro-life position, but I’m a modern gal. This is a necessary step. For — for many women, I don’t judge that. That’s something that I have accepted since childhood. RoeIt’s the law of land, because it is older than I am. This has always been the case. It is our responsibility to explain the American way of life today, tomorrow and next year in order to make such a significant shift in American culture and experience.

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