CNN Democrat Budget Freakout: ‘Implosion of Mother Earth, Last Act for Democracy’

CNN this morning unleashed a double-barreled blast of scare tactics regarding the urgent need to pass the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending bill.

New Day had on Bernie Sanders-backing Nina Turner, and Clintonista CNN contributor Paul Begala. While the pair were there to represent the progressive and “moderate” Dem wings, respectively, both broke out scare tactics on the bill. Begala said moderates should just surrender, that polling shows people nice-sounding thijngs like “universal pre-K” and “vision and dental care for seniors.” He said “This is popular. Why are we having a hard time agreeing to something that is so overwhelmingly popular?”

A very animated Turner demanded that wealthy Joe Manchin should abandon his coal-state voters and save the planet: “People are literally losing their lives and livelihoods while people play games….West Virginia is one of the poorest states in the United States of America. And you have a senator who is set for the rest of his natural life, and so are his children, and his children’s children. And he want to negotiate away? Senator Manchin, what do you want to negotiate away? Is it child care? Is it the implosion of Mother Earth?”

That’s right, Joe: unless you agree to spend untold billions on “climate change,” the world will implode — and it will be your fault!

For his fearmongering part, Begala said:

BEGALA: Ultimately, this is going to be about Joe Biden. The President of the United States, who served in the Senate for over 30 years, 36 years, he’s going to have to sit these folks down and force them to compromise. 

The thing that’s driving me nuts is, if the Democrats fail, it is certain that the Republicans will take the House, maybe the Senate. 

And this is not like your father’s Republican party. This is a party that has been infected with insurrectionism. This could – I’m serious. If the Democrats don’t get their act together, this could be the last act for American democracy.

Co-host Brianna Keilar injected a note of realism, saying that even if Dems do pass a bill, “Republicans may take over Congress. That is the reality here.”

PS: Later in the hour, there was more Manchin-bashing as CNN brought on socialist Reps. Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman, junior members of “The Squad.” Bowman  insisted the media better look into Manchin’s funding from “special interests.”

On CNN, Democrats Nina Turner and Paul Begala fearmongering on the Dem $3.5 trillion spending bill was sponsored in part by Samsung, Zales, Carvana, IHOP, Procter & Gamble, maker of Charmin, and Best Western.

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