Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Gets Roasted for Hypocritical Tweet About Book-Banning – Opinion

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is at it again, this time posting a bizarre tweet on Saturday which read: “In Texas, reading any damn book I choose. You can’t ban books. Ever.”

It is so incorrect on many levels. First and most obvious: she’s basically saying, “ain’t Texas grand?” Leftists spend entirely too much of their time bashing states like Texas and Florida, so it’s wild to see her praising The Lone Star State’s freedoms. It’s similar to when AOC and the dim-witted Eric Swallwell used to rip Florida’s COVID policies—then jet down there for vacations to escape the Draconian policies of their own states.

Two: where is the book she’s reading in the photo, To Kill A Mockingbird, banned? Hint: blue states. It was banned in some California schools in November 2020 due to possible racism concerns. In Seattle, it was removed from the curriculum on January 20, 2022.

This tweet brings back memories of a similarly stupid one sent by Gavin Newsom, the California Governor in March.

“Reading some banned books to figure out what these states are so afraid of,” he says, seemingly not realizing that the book on top of his pile is the aforementioned “To Kill A Mockingbird,” banned in many parts of his own state. This complete lack of awareness would be funny if the man wasn’t in charge of the fifth-largest economy in the world.

Reactions to Lightfoot’s tweet was not kind, as users pointed out that she might want to pay more attention to the epidemic of crime in Chicago instead of the wonders of Texas:

From Republican Virginia state delegate Nick Freitas:

Our Bonchie!

Lightfoot tweeted her message as Chicago continues its horrific level of violence. Every weekend, there are more shootings than murders. On the same day she posted her tweet, a huge crowd gathered in Chicago’s Millenium Park with multiple fights and gunshots breaking out. The fracas saw a 16-year-old boy shot to death and his body taken.  Axios reports that gun violence has increased, and some areas have seen an increase of over 100 percent in the number of fatal shootings. The Chicago Sun-Times published a December 2021 piece:

These numbers are even worse if you consider fatal shootings prior to the pandemic.

These numbers show the steadily rising rate of gun violence in the city during the past two years.

Chicago witnessed a significant increase in homicides, with Chicago seeing 4% more this year than it did last year and 61% more during the same time frame in 2019. There have been at least 4,300 deaths, which is almost 7 percent more than in the previous year.

Lightfoot could be more interested in exploring her local city than reading Texas books. Lightfoot seems to be able to focus on more pressing matters, such as issuing violence calls.

She denied it was a push for disorder, of course, because that’s what people like her do, but the words speak for themselves.  A “call to arms” means just what it says—get violent. As if there were any questions, she whistled it to her supporters.

Maybe Lightfoot should spend less time hanging out in Texas and tweeting, and more fixing Chicago’s war-like conditions and calling for peace.

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