Canadians Fact-Check Fake Narrative Pushed by CNN, Trudeau About Freedom Convoy – Opinion

We’ve seen politicians and the media trying to sell us all a bill of goods about so many things, including the Freedom Convoy in Canada. Justin Trudeau has demonized the protesters, saying they were racists expressing “hateful rhetoric” and “violence.” Ottawa city councilor Diane Deans even tried to claim that it’s not rural Canadians upset over the vaccine mandates, but an international effort backed by the U.S. to overthrow the government. CNN has been slow to the show, but they’re still right on narrative, demonizing the truckers and other protesters who are involved, as we previously reported.

Here’s a small sample of the propaganda, with all the buzzwords: insurrection, a threat to democracy, and sedition.

None of them — neither CNN nor the politicians — explain how the protests fit any of these terms, nor do they provide evidence to support any of their claims. You’re just supposed to take their word for it.

But Canadians decided that they would be their own fact-checkers and not rely on the media. Rupa Subramanya (a columnist at the National Post), was one of the truthful members of media. She reported the facts.

Alycia Koulamallah and Soungui claimed they looked it over and were flooded with love and appreciation from the demonstrators. Soungui claimed that he brought his mom to the protests and was successful in convincing her to change her mind. She had previously believed the media story. He encouraged people to search for the truth. This is what media and ‘fact-checkers’ are supposed to be doing. But so many of them have failed in their job; it’s up to citizens like this and media that is willing to buck the narrative.

Trudeau and the racists who are pushing the narrative don’t lie, but some protestors have questions for them.

This narrative serves to silence all discussion and is dishonest. Trudeau makes use of it to justify his refusal to speak with protestors. As we reported, even members of Trudeau’s own Liberal Party have called him out. Liberal MP Joel Lightbound (Louis-Hébert, Que.Chair of Quebec Liberal Caucus Joel Lightbound (Louis-Hebert, Que.) said that government had been divisive in so demonizing protesters. He also stated that protesters have legitimate concerns and needed the government to address them. “I have enough respect for my fellow Canadians not to engage in these easy absurd labels,” he said.

“He [Lightbound] said exactly what a lot of us think,” Liberal MP Yves Robillard (Marc-Aurèle-Fortin, Que.) The Hill Times. “I agree with everything that Lightbound said.”

Lightbound said that he’s been hearing similar concerns from his constituents, most who are vaccinated. Some of the constituents he shared with were parents whose kids are suffering from depression as well as businesspeople, artists and others who have suffered significant financial losses. Lightbound added that Canadians are also seeing countries all over the globe who have removed or are moving in the right direction.

That’s what’s getting lost in all this and the governments have been ignoring. They don’t seem to care how much they have hurt people with what they have done.

Conservative MP Jasraj Singh Hallan (Calgary Forest Lawn) applauded Lightbound for his courage, and called on the “tone-deaf” Trudeau to stop politicizing the pandemic and dividing people.

Hallan said the protesters were not “white supremacists or extremists like the prime minister tries to label,” but “everyday Canadians.” He said that they just wanted a path out of the pandemic and to get on with their lives, but that Trudeau has refused to listen to Canadians. Hallan just leveled Trudeau for calling others racist, when he wore “blackface” and “kicked strong ethnic women out of his caucus who stood up to his corruption.”

Trudeau, as well as many media outlets refuse to deliver the truth.

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