‘Slash The Tires’! CNN PSYCHO Lashes Out at Freedom Convoy

Juliette Kayyem is a Harvard Professor, ex-Obama DHS Official, and CNN National Security Analyst. She channeled some Carrie Underwood energy.Before He Cheats) as she took to Twitter Thursday to lash out at the Canadian Freedom Convoy, demanding that Canadian authorities “slash” their tires and “empty the tanks” then somehow “move the trucks.” And as she deserved, Kayyem was called out and ridiculed for it.

Kayyem began her rage-fest by whining about the truckers getting support from “right wing [sic] media” and suggesting the truckers were a threat to American national security. “The Ambassador Bridge link constitutes 28% of annual trade movement between US and Canada. You can slash tires and empty your gas tanks. Then, you need to arrest drivers.she wrote.



She was a toxic exile. on full displayAs she attacked their intelligence, “Long gone is the notion of these people being rational, and that they will be open to change when asked.,” she sneered. “This disruption is an irrational gang and, again, we should stop being so nice.”



While it’s correct that 90 percent of the Canadian truck drivers are vaccinated, the convoy also has support from the vaccinated. CNN even admits to this.

Her petty authoritarianism continued to flow as she bragged that she “There are many ways you can do this.” and listed off other ways to further make the truckers unable to support and feed their families. She even described them as an infection or pus, saying, “They are a constant reminder of the past. when there are no consequences.”



The Spectator’s Stephen Miller ripped Kayyem by asking her to “elaborate on your brilliant plan to ‘move’ trucks with no tires and no gas off of a bridge[.]” “You think you’re the good guy here,” he wonderedOne.

“Yes,” Kayyem snapped in her response. “This isn’t about vaccines. You can choose to not get vaccinated. You have the right to make that choice. Poor choice. This is a fatal one. Just don’t close an international border with your whining. There are so many emotions in you two. It’s not personal.”

Miller expertly dismantled her ridiculous “it’s not personal” notion by pointing out: “Are you going to make truck drivers a scapegoat, take their jobs and slash their tires?”



She wants to slash their tires and somehow she’s the one acting rationally. Okay.

But it wasn’t just people on the right who were supporting these desperate working-class folks. Newsweek Deputy opinion editor Batya Ungar-Sargon explained that liberal elites like Kayyem have spent “decades” alienating these people and now they’re attacking “the most effective working class protest in recent memory[.]” Essentially saying the elite hate how effective the protest is.



“For elites who work in knowledge industry jobs at Harvard and CNN, the economy is about trade,” she wrote further. “For working class people like the protesting truckers, it’s about jobs and the right to work.”

Ungar-Sargon voiced how many people felt reading Kayyem’s comments (and others who have expressed a similar sentiment) by describing them as “psychotic.”



She also thinks “The truckers are going to win because they have nothing to lose.”

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