‘Black-ish’ Spinoff ‘grown-ish’ Argues Felon Should Go Free Because He’s an Illegal POC

Who’s ready for more “ish” from an ish franchise show? This time, the culprit is Freeform’s grown-ish, A spinoff from ABC’s Racist Comedy black-ish. And the liberal cause de jour is illegal immigration, as the show depicted a young illegal immigrant who committed a hit-and-run felony as a “poor kid” who “probably doesn’t stand a chance” in our broken system because he’s a person of color. Furthermore, the show lectured that it was the “right thing to do” when his victim refused to ID him in order to protect him.

Thursday’s episode “Movin’ Different” started with Ana (Francia Raisa) in the hospital healing from injuries she received when a young man who was too distracted by his music to pay attention to his surroundings while driving hit her as she was riding on an electric scooter. Her college friends are gathered around her bed angry that the suspect could’ve cost Ana her life by fleeing and are eager for justice to be served.

Ana receives a call from the police informing her they’ve found him. The officers ask her to bring the driver to the police station and to verify his identity, which she gladly does. Until she discovers he’s here illegally:

Officer: It was very helpful to have a detailed description about the driver and vehicle. The driver was picked up by us around One hour later you will be stopped at a red stop sign.

Ana: Wow, I’m so glad you caught him. That asshole needs to be locked up.

Officer: It turned out that he wasn’t only driving without insurance, but also with a suspended licence and no documentation.

Ana: Seriously? Undocumented?

Officer: Yep, 17-years-old and this kid’s already throwing his life away.The suspect is now in custody. He’s down the hall in a holding room. You’ll have to ask him to look at the wall from both sides. You’re gonna tell me if this is the guy or not.

Ana: Okay.

Officer: Ok, now stand straight up and face the wall. Straighten your eyes straight into the camera. Is this you guy?

Ana tells her friends what transpired at the police station when she returns to Ana’s home. Her friends quickly go from wanting justice to making excuses for the suspect when they discover he’s here illegally, even going so far as to say it’s understandable that he would flee the scene and leave their friend to possibly die:

Zoey: Wait, wait, wait. Wo are you going?

Jazz: Yeah. One million questions.

Ana: Uh, yeah, He was the one who hit me..

Zoey: Ana! They got him. Dude, that’s great!

Ana: It’s not because I said to the police that I need more time for it.

Zoey: So, you’re not sure it was him?

Ana: No, I was…I was for sure sure.

Nomi: Ana, that guy could’ve killed you. He’s a monster.

Ana: Turns out he’s an undocumented monster.

Zoey: Oh.

Ana: Yeah. If I can positively identify this 17-year old kid with no criminal history, prior to what he did, then he might be deported.

Nomi: Damn. Poor kid.

Zoey: Mmhmm.

Nomi: Look, it was a good thing.

Jazz: Wait. Isn’t this the same person who you said deserves to be locked under the jail, but because he’s undocumented, he’s no longer a criminal and suddenly an angel who doesn’t deserve punishment?

Nomi: Okay, no, of course not, but, but fleeing after the accident… I mean, it makes a little bit more sense now. We know the risk that he would’ve faced if he’d been caught, and accidentally knocking someone off of a scooter doesn’t mean he should be ripped from his family or kicked out of the country.

Jazz: Yeah, but, as complicated as his immigration status is, I’m struggling because he is still guilty of a hit-and-run.

Ana: That’s right, that confuses me even more.

Nomi: Okay, look, Ana, your first instinct when you heard about this kid’s background was to not identify him, and I think that was the right decision.

Ana: That’s the problem, Nomi. It’s impossible to make a right decision. He could be deported if I can identify him. If I don’t, he gets away with a hit-and-run. Either way, I’m put in a really tough position, and the police are waiting for my answer.

Umm, thIt is “poor kid” is A prior offense – illegally being present in the country. A half hour later, he ran a red stop sign. This put more people at risk. Being in the country illegally shouldn’t redeem him from these crimes. If anything, the fact he’s more prone to flee a crime scene because he’s an illegal alien further proves illegal immigration is a bad choice. Anybody (or their families) must take on this risk and be prepared to deal with the consequences. Like anyone else would who breaks this law. So, yes, Ana. This is the right choice.

Ana later receives that right answer from her conservative ex-boyfriend Javier (Henri Esteve), who ends up being the lone voice of reason:

Javier: You’re not the one who’s deporting him, Ana. You’re just telling the truth.

Ana: Yes, that truth could lead to his deportation.

Javier: Didn’t you dress up as a border patrol agent for Halloween?

Ana: Javier! This isn’t a costume for Halloween. This is someone’s life.

Javier: It could have happened to someone you love. Imagine if the pain was not just physical?

Ana: But this kid is also someone’s loved one and that’s what I can’t stop thinking about.

Javier: So you want to be a lawyer?

Ana: Yeah.

Javier: Okay. The evidence seems to be in order.

Ana: Yeah. He could probably use some consequences.

Javier: Ana, you are someone who trusts the system. Now, you only have one responsibility: to be truthful. Give the police all the facts. The system will do the rest.

Ana: Yeah, you’re right.

Does this mean that the show was right and the one voice of reason prevailed over the rest? No. After all, this is liberal Hollywood. We can’t have any of that!

No, Ana goes back to the station to ID the suspect, but while she’s there, she has a change of heart again. This time, it’s because she sees so many people of color “being processed in and out of the system” that she decides she doesn’t trust the system. She ends up committing a crime herself to cover for the suspect by lying to the police, telling them he’s not the one who hit her, a decision all her friends eagerly applaud:

Officer: Sorry for the delay, Ms. Torres. You will receive it quickly. All you have to do now is make a positive ID, and that kid’s in the system, and you’re on your way home. You’re ready?

Ana: Hey!

Zoey: Hey, so… How did everything go at the police station?

Ana: Well, uh, I explained to them that they were looking for the wrong person.

Zoey: Wow! Wow!

Nomi: Brava! Brava is correct. I mean, I admit that I’m shocked, but also very happy you took my advice.

Ana: Actually, it was Javi’s advice that made me take your advice.

Zoey: Really?

Ana: Yeah.

Zoey: Javi? Javi, Conservative Assistant told you to not ID him

Ana: He told me to identify him. That I have every reason to and that I should let the system do its job, which, I’ll be honest, I almost did. You know what? I saw all these people of color being processed in and out of the system, and I thought about this young kid just getting caught up in this machine where he probably doesn’t stand a chance, and it scared the crap out of me.

Zoey: Yeah.

Nomi: Yeah. It makes complete sense..

Ana: Really? Because I’m struggling. I’m struggling to make sense of what that means about me and the system I grew up believing in.

Zoey: It says you can have faith in the system, but also think that it needs to be improved.

Nomi: Yeah, and maybe one day you’ll be in a position to do something about it.

Ana: Okay, calm down, Antifa.

So, let’s see if we have this right. If you’re a person of color and/or an illegal alien who commits a crime, even a felony, you’re not actually a criminal. You’re a victim of the system, and you’re above the law. And it’s okay to lie to the police to protect these “victims,” so people covering for them are above the law, as well.

Right. #eyeroll But, that’s liberal “logic” for you. All facts are more important than feelings.

Conservatives Strike Back T-Mobile and Verizon sponsored this episode., and Olive Garden. To let advertisers know your opinion about the episode, click on each advertisement.

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