Joe Biden, as we reported previously, got in trouble during Saturday’s commissioning of the USS Delaware submarine. Biden seemed confused about who was Vice President during the ceremony. You, Joe. Michelle Obama, not you or your spouse.
America, Way to Go
— Kira (@RealKiraDavis) April 2, 2022
I think he was talking about his wife being Vice President, although, grammatically, the “she” should refer back to Michelle Obama. Jill was the person he was referring to.
Let me take a moment to express my gratitude to the White House. First, they focused the camera on Jill Biden as he was talking about her, likely to show the “devoted spouse” look. But they managed to capture the look on her face right at that moment, and it’s something. The sound of her exasperation can be heard, as can the way she drops her lips in what appears to be a sigh. You can see it at 45:58 in the White House video.
Here’s the look.
— Dr. Nickarama (@nickaramaOG) April 3, 2022
Imagine the conversation about this, after they return home. I don’t think it’s going to be pretty.
It’s also a bit odd that Biden was introducing her during the event, and not the other way around — but I guess that makes sense, since she was the Vice President.
Now, the White House has gotten into the habit of having to clean up after Joe Biden, and they were right there in this instance, to change what he said on the White House transcript, crossing out the “she” and replacing it with an “I” to note that yes, Joe was the Vice President.
Biden also seemed to slur his words during his remarks at points, but there’s not much the transcript can do to rescue that.
Joe Biden appeared to be sleeping while he was standing and had to salute the guns during the gun salute portion of the event. You can watch his eyes close and drift off at around 12:30 on White House’s video. It is also possible to see the clip here.
Joe Biden fell asleep mid-morning during the USS Delaware Commemoration. He stood up.
81 million votes, guys…
— Andrew @ Don’t Walk, RUN! Productions @DontWalkRUN April 2, 2022
Once again, we’re hearing calls for the 25th Amendment, with people overseas even concerned about America’s solidity, especially at this critical time with a war in Europe, as Niles Gardiner of the Telegraph observes.
Biden’s evidently declining memory and increasingly confused state of mind is a growing concern for our Allies across the Atlantic and across the world, esp. At a time when Europe is in crisis and our enemies are mounting threats to us. It is becoming a presidency that has become erratic.
— Nile Gardiner (@NileGardiner) April 2, 2022
It’s long since time Biden retired. Everyone knows it, but they’re just too concerned about their hold on power to even address it. However, the fact they will risk America’s safety in such a way is unacceptable and should lead to their removal from office.
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