Cillizza’s Airline Frisson, Biden’s Stumbling Celtic Tradition, and the Death Star in the Kitchen – Opinion

Our weekly recognition of less-than-meritorious excellence in journalism is worthy of Pulitzer Prize consideration.

As an extension of the media-mocking venture at Townhall, Riffed From The Headlines, we once again recognize the exalted performances in our journalism industry and compile worthy submissions to the Pulitzer Prize board in numerous categories. Let’s get to the best examples of journalistic failure-excellence in order to properly identify the low watermark in journalism.


Specialized Explanatory Reporting

Following Joe Biden’s fiasco of a European trip, the press has been in a knot on how to frame things for the President. After all, what do you do after declaring Biden’s speech was on the level of other historical greats, only to see the White House come out and disavow numerous points he had made.

In an attempt to fix things, CNN brought on Leon Panetta – he of the famed Intelligence Letter defending Hunter Biden — and when asked why Biden made such mistakes, Leon struggled for an answer, ultimately settling on…

 “Joe Biden…is Irish.”


Distinguished Breaking News

  • Ashley Parker — Washington Post

We were able to see some behind-the scenes action during the Euro trip. We didn’t see the planning, the coordination of events or the creation of speeches. However, we were able to get information on President Joe and his session of pizza eating.


 Distinguished International News

  • Flor Wang — Focus Taiwan

The world may be happy to escape the COVID constraints, but we need to consider those who want to stay in such conditions. How else to describe the giddiness from a company that has set the Guinness World Record for creating the world’s largest surgical mask?


Distinguished Public Service

Cillizza tells us about the terrifying experience he had on an airplane flight, when he was able to see a couple ahead of him. This led to Chris being exposed. Despite restrictions dropping everywhere, and soon on air flights, Chris still had his health endangered — also, they were not wearing masks.


Outstanding Local Reporting

  • Priscilla Aguirre — Laredo Morning Times

After being called out to a location where human remains were reportedly found, the police department in Converse, Texas, issued a statement: “Let’s all work together and discard our trash properly to keep Converse clean.

It was not a pathetic response by a lame local PD. The potential crime scene had a plastic skeleton.


Distinguished Public Service

  • Dennis Thompson — United Press International

HealthDay News has a dispatch that helps dogs with ADHD or other conditions. It reveals that there may be a way to track down the cause of this behavior.

About 30% of the dogs in the study engaged in repetitive behaviors, the researchers found, and the likelihood of these behaviors was associated with a dog’s home and lifestyle.

A study was required to arrive at the surprising result.


Distinguished Cultural Commentary

You see, there are other stories that can be covered than the most serious global issues and internal strife. There is no reason to not report on lighter topics at the same. However, it seems like frivolous journalism to get into so much detail about how some people can see a glass on the counter as something else.

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