DC lies constantly. It’s all. All of it. Every direction possible.
DC does all of this lying – to advance its small-minded, insular interests.
By “DC,” I always mean the Deep State government – the entrenched bureaucracy. Which has been allowed to take on a life of its own – completely untouched and unaffected by the silly little elections we pretend determine our collective fate.
We have known for a long time:
“Government is just another organism. Like any organism, self-preservation is its top priority. Its second – is to grow. It will do everything it can to grow. It wants to be bigger, do more – control more.
“There are more than four million humans who work in just the federal government. They see the preservation and growth of government as being in their best interests. And see those who want Less Government as the enemy.”
The party of government is the Democrat Party. They help create and disseminate the lies that benefit DC – because it benefits them too. Consider the relationship that exists between the sea anemones themselves and the fish living in or around them.
It is the Republican Party’s job to oppose all this horribleness. They are supposed to be the Party of We the People – working to minimize DC’s destruction of our lives.
One way Republicans are supposed to do this – is by identifying and calling out DC when DC lies to us. God knows the Big Media-Big Tech “fact-check” cabal won’t correct DC – so we REALLY need Republicans to help us do it.
So when Republicans too spread DC lies – it is REALLY a problem. It is annoying.
DC lies about the Internet all the time, as just one of the many examples. It minimizes and downplays the amazing success the private sector has delivered when it comes to developing the World Wide Web – and then accessing it.
DC lies incessantly about “tens of millions of Americans lacking Internet access.” The much-ballyhooed “Digital Divide”:
“A Microsoft study last year found that 162 million Americans lack broadband internet – nearly half the US population.”
It is a GIANT lies. Told here by DC mega-crony Microsoft – which has a GIANT financial interest in government spending hundreds of billions of dollars on Internet connections. As such, many will be required to attend Microsoft products.
There are many cronyism and benefiting cronies in DC. DC and it’s very many cronies all combine to collude on this “Digital Divide” lie – in an attempt to fraudulently justify a greater government role on the Internet.
New Infrastructure Bill invests $65 billion in broadband
This giant lie – is fostered by lots of attending lies.
Perhaps the biggest: DC gets to “half of all Americans lack Internet access” – by only counting hardline connections as an Internet connection.
Government ‘Digital Divide’ Lies: They Don’t Even Count Your Smart Phone as an Internet Connection
This is absurd. The smartphone will be owned by 298 millions Americans in 2021. On which we can wirelessly, seamlessly connect to the Internet – any and every time we want. But DC doesn’t count these 298 million Internet connections – as Internet connections. It is absurd.
And there is satellite Internet – which is an option for a mere 100% of Americans. But DC doesn’t count this either. This is ridiculous.
During Donald Trump’s presidential tenure, DC for the first time in many decades was forced to dip its toe into reality. DC hated him for making it happen.
Trump’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) – belied the giant Internet connection lie:
“99.99% of the U.S. population has access to one or more internet service providers offering cable, DSL, fiber, fixed wireless, satellite or another type of internet service of 4 Mbps or higher.”
With the truth readily available – I mean, I have known it for years – you would hope Republicans would push back against DC’s giant lie.
But we fight this war with the “opposition party” we have – not the opposition party we’d like to have.
Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill includes Billions for Broadband
Not only are Republicans voting for this nonsense – they are putting quill to parchment to promote it. And with it – all the lies being told to allegedly justify it.
I saw this op-ed headline – and hoped against hope it was penned by a Democrat.
Bipartisan Bill Will Make Rural America’s Broadband Connectivity Checkerboard More Adaptable
It was unfortunately not written by a Democrat.
“By Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-PA.)”
However, it could have easily been. The Congressman delivered the DC lie – in his very first sentence:
“Millions of Americans lack access to reliable, high-speed internet service….”
It is an DC lie Congressman. Incorrect information. Misinformation. This is the exact thing that your constituents have sent to DC to counter and oppose.
Senator: Was your staff able to do any research before you wrote this? Again, the truth is readily available online – and has been for years.
In 2019, the Trump FCC Report was published. That one item alone should have been the end of your op-ed – and your support for the ridiculous infrastructure bill.
Federal ‘Infrastructure’? Crony Bail Outs, Slush Funds, State-Local Government
You should have discovered this readily discoverable truth – and told every single one of your Republican colleagues to retract their support for the ridiculous infrastructure bill.
But you didn’t. You instead voted ridiculously for it. And then extruded this ridiculous op-ed – congratulating yourself for your ridiculous vote.
You, Congressman have once again reminded me:
We fight this war with the “opposition party” we have.
Not the opposition party we’d like to have.
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