Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor for the United States issued a warning Tuesday that the Biden junta believed an invasion by Russia of Ukraine was imminent. He ordered Americans to evacuate within 24 hours.
.@JakeSullivan46: “Any American in Ukraine should leave as soon as possible and in any event in the next 24-48 hours…the risk is now high enough, the threat is now immediate enough that this is what prudence demands.” pic.twitter.com/b0jcgLoKDj
— CSPAN (@cspan) February 11, 2022
He also indicated that the United States would be handling the evacuation of American nationals from Ukraine under what can only be called “Kabul Rules.”
President Trump will not put the lives of our uniformed servicemen and women at risk by sending them to war zones to save people who might have fled now but decided not to.
According to CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, Joe Biden has told NATO alliesHe believes Russia will invade Ukraine next week. Bloomberg’s Jennifer Jacobs reports that US officials are saying the invasion could come as early as Tuesday and could be kicked off either by a “provocation” in the Donbas region or a direct attack on Kiev.
Britain has ordered all its citizens to leave Ukraine. Ukraine requested answers from Russians regarding their motives.
Russia must provide detailed details about the goals, specific location and completion dates of military activities.
— Dmytro Kuleba (@DmytroKuleba) February 11, 2022
All diplomatic options will be used to protect Ukraine’s 4/4 security.
— Dmytro Kuleba (@DmytroKuleba) February 11, 2022
I don’t pretend to have a crystal ball about why lies in the future in regards to Ukraine. However, it is clear that all of America’s negotiating strategies have been based on either one or two of these assumptions. The Americans either have a clear understanding of Putin’s intentions to invade Ukraine or are intentionally escalating tensions so Joe Biden can say that he was genuinely nose-to–nose with Putin. The other possibility is that given the fact that Biden is universally loathed in the United States, Biden’s junta has decided that a quick war between Ukraine and Russia with the United States bloodlessly inserting itself to impose sanctions and end the conflict would improve Joey SoftServe’s approval rating. Remember how many times President Zelensky and other Ukrainian officials have asked Biden to moderate the rhetoric.
When Secretary of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Lloyd Austin and his fatboy Mini-me, Mark “White Rage” Miley gave a press conference last month, I wrote at the time that it felt like they were trying to box Putin into a war in Ukraine Why Today’s Austin-Milley Press Conference Convinces Me That Joe Biden Wants Conflict With Russia in Ukraine. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just them, only a week before their presser, Biden seemed to give a green light to a “minor incursion” into Ukraine by Russia.
A few days ago, the Washington Post opined that the various leaks about Russian intentions are part of a “we know what you are up to” strategy to deter Putin, see The Washington Post Throws Shade on a Major CNN ‘Scoop’ About Intercepted Russian Communications and Rightfully So. I’ve never been all that sure how such a strategy works. It is possible to conclude that, even though there are no clear end goals, Biden and his national security staffers don’t believe they will engage in this strategy.
Trust between the State Department’s press and those covering them has been so low that nothing from Foggy Bottom can be believed. See State Department Spox accusing AP Reporter Of Using Russian Talking points Showcases Biden White House Response to All Poor Press Coverage. This means that diplomatic relations with allies on the frontline must have reached rock bottom.
The bottom line is that all of this was unnecessary. This instead is the result of amateurishness on the part on both the State Department’s and National Security Council’s parts. They pursue an agenda that appears to be completely unrelated to the factual situation on the ground, and to be all about domestic politics.
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