White House Lies Their Heads off When Confronted With Hypocrisy on Travel Bans – Opinion

White House press secretary Jen Psaki gave a briefing today on the various issues that are being pinned to it.

As we reported earlier, Psaki ducked and weaved but couldn’t explain away why Biden was not masked inside of a Nantucket store, especially when he’s urging everyone to wear masks in the face of the new Omicron variant (or as he called it the ‘Omnicron’ variant).

After their previous criticisms of Trump’s travel bans, the White House was also called on the topic of travel bans. Listen as White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki tries to explain how Trump travel bans were somehow ‘xenophobic’ but Biden bans are not.

Psaki claimed they weren’t criticizing travel bans but criticizing a “tweet” of President Donald Trump’s which she claimed was xenophobic.

“The president has not been critical of travel restrictions, we have put those in place ourselves,” Psaki claimed. “He believes we should follow the advice of health and medical experts. That’s exactly what he did in putting in place these restrictions over the weekend.”

That’s just a lie. She doesn’t point out what “tweet” was supposedly “xenophobic,” likely because there wasn’t one. Biden’s criticism calling Trump xenophobic came just hours after Trump cut travel with China on Jan. 31 during a campaign rally. Some believe Psaki could be speaking of Trump and the China virus. But Biden’s criticism preceded Trump’s use of that term which isn’t xenophobic in any event.

The other problem with Psaki’s claim is that Biden was quite critical of travel bans, contrary to what Psaki is claiming now.

Indeed, he didn’t agree that travel bans were a good thing until April 3, and even then it wasn’t him, it was his team that did so. Biden’s team didn’t make any definitive statements on this question until it took them so long. If we had waited till April 2, when Biden would have finally come to terms with the idea, imagine. This would have made things worse. Trump took that step on January 31st, and likely caused some transmission to be cut.

You can debate the benefits and disadvantages of travel bans. What you can’t lie about is the fact that Biden was not a fan of the travel bans last year and he expressly criticized them. Biden suddenly becomes a proponent of the travel bans when he finds himself in the position.

This is also hypocritical because Biden has banned this Omicron variant from African countries, but it has been seen in other places as well. multiple other countries The Netherlands and Israel are included. What is the reason for a ban only on African countries. We know that if Trump were in charge, Biden would be screaming “racist!” Can we remind him how he criticized the African travel ban that Trump did have over lack of vetting and security?

Can we now scream “racist” at Joe Biden? Not to mention “hypocrite?”

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