Where’s That Vaccine Mandate on Businesses With 100-Plus Employees? – RedState

Perhaps you remember that Joe Biden declared on September 9 that he would order a vaccination mandate for any business employing over 100 people. He used OSHA to make a new regulation requiring the vaccine. How come? COVID was so urgently threatening that it had to be addressed immediately.

“The ultimate workaround,” some in media called thatAlthough he wasn’t proud of it, others stated that this path would likely present significant legal, and practical, problems. This, despite the Biden Administration previously saying they wouldn’t do such a thing and that it really wasn’t within their power to do it.

We see the upside-down side of how the Biden Administration conducts business a month after it happened. Is that the new rule? It’s still not been put into effect, as I mentioned in a prior story (Oct. 3).

It was never implemented. NY Times reporter Lauren Hirsch, who covered Biden during his visit to Illinois on Thursday highlighting his push for vaccine mandates, reported that the OSHA rule was still likely several weeks away, despite Biden’s claim that it would be put in place quickly.

Now, normally you figure out all the legal questions — at least as much as you can — before you make the announcement that you’re going to put something into effect. Doing it this way is like removing the military from Afghanistan before you get out the people you have to get out — doing things backwards. What is the difference between acting now and waiting?

It’s a completely confused way to do things. It assumes that your goal was to get it done. Perhaps the purpose was simply to force people into mandating the change without the need to go through the legal hurdles. That leaves many in disarray, as it did with everything Biden.

Some companies, like IBM, are still being hesitant, if they don’t even know what the actual parameters of the rule are supposed to be, so they’re still waiting. But, if this was all just for show or to duke businesses into doing it themselves, that would be Biden being deceptive yet again, wouldn’t it? So, take your pick with Biden — incompetence and/or deception.

But there’s a greater problem with all this, as well, even if you actually supported such a thing. OSHA doesn’t begin to have the ability to really police such a thing, as even NPR observes.

OSHA estimates that there are approximately 1,850 federal or state inspectors who inspect around 8 million work sites across the country.

“So you can do the math,” Fairfax says. “They clearly can’t go into every one.”

NPR suggests that employees may always snoop on other employees and businesses. It’s wonderful.

This is Joe Biden. He tends to say one thing and then do another — and then we’re left with the mess that results.

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