You may have noticed that Joe Biden and the White House have been test-driving a new slogan that they think they can attack Republicans with: “MAGA” or “Ultra MAGA.” Biden even called President Donald Trump “The Great MAGA King.”
Jen Psaki (White House Press Secretary) stated that Biden created this material because it occurred to him.
White House Press Secretary. Jen Psaki: @MaryKBruceThe Pres. Biden came up with new “ultra-MAGA” label himself because he is struck by “how extreme some of the policies and proposals are that a certain wing of the Republican Party…are advocating for.”
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) May 10, 2022
“It’s the president’s phrase and the president made those comments himself,” Psaki said. “What struck him is how extreme some of the policies and proposals are from a certain wing of the Republican Party, which is taking up too much of the Republican Party.”
As I pointed out, it was quite funny to see how ignorant they were about the way that this is said. Right now, people think “ultra MAGA” sounds pretty good when Americans can’t find baby formula or they can’t afford gas under Biden. All of this was possible because Trump is a man who has solved all problems. Trump encapsulated that by embracing the title using a “Lord of the Rings” meme on social media, touting the “Return of the MAGA King,” letting people know that help would be on the way.
It’s also dumb because it makes Biden sounds obsessed with Trump, as well as divisive and petty. Of course, he has no achievements to stand on; all he has is his failure, so he doesn’t have much else to say. However, attacking MAGA means demonizing millions Americans who care about America. Democrats must flip these people if they want to win.
This isn’t the way you do it. It’s a bad political move. Not to mention that if you’re talking about people being extreme, I think most Americans consider a “Disinformation Governance Board” and marching on the homes of the SCOTUS justices to intimidate them to change their positions ‘extreme.’
But Psaki’s suggestion that somehow Biden came up with this new ‘strategy’ all by himself is also just a ridiculous lie, as the Washington Post reveals.
Biden’s attempt to appropriate the “MAGA” brand as a political attack was hardly accidental. The idea was born out of an extensive six-month research effort to identify the most effective way to target Republicans. It was led by Anita Dunn (Biden advisor) and the Center for American Progress Action Fund (liberal group).
So no, it wasn’t just because Biden was having random thoughts and came to this suddenly. At this point, he doesn’t have many coherent thoughts. Psaki, Biden and their team want to make people gaslight again.
Seriously, they worked for six months and came up with this. I hope they didn’t pay anybody for coming up with this; they should get their money back if they did. And Biden delivers it in such a wooden constant way — not natural at all — in a flood suddenly, so you know it’s a manufactured tactic.
You may wonder how they manage to get so little done. Why did the baby food shortage go unaddressed and why didn’t they address the correct questions? First, it’s because they have terrible policies. Maybe it’s because they have terrible policies. Their chief focus is how they can win and hold onto power — not how to do their job for the American people. But frankly, they’re not even good at their power grab, when they come up with things like this that help their opponents. They stink at branding–just like they stink at the rest of their job.
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