Since the beginning, Rep. Liz Cheney (R.WY) has been hated by many. Her father, ex-Vice President Dick Cheney. Many still hate her and they are angry that liberals now embrace her. She is obsessive about President Donald Trump and those who embrace her are only concerned with her.
So, it’s pretty hilarious the nonsense that liberals are pushing about her right now. According to our report, Al Franken has just endorsed her. That’s funny, but now there are two tweets from liberals that are in tough competition with each other for the dumbest tweets about Cheney this week.
First, there’s the Former National Finance Chair of Draft Biden 2016, Jon Cooper.
The Republican Party will not recover if Liz Cheney loses the primary election Tuesday.
— Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) August 12, 2022
According to him, “If Liz Cheney loses her primary election on Tuesday, the Republican Party will never recover.”
Now, that’s some serious delusion.
Booting Liz Cheney is one of the ways that the Republican Party will truly recover — putting the concerns of the people of Wyoming first over her obsession–and not throwing in with the destructive actions of the Democrats that have so harmed the country, which she did. Not only will we be in much better shape without her, but we’re also counting down the days until the party on Tuesday. After that, she will be able to return home and live in Virginia again. She won’t have to pretend she doesn’t care about Wyoming. She’s down by thirty points, and folks in Wyoming truly despise her. She has very little chance of winning at the moment.
When a rabid liberal Democrat like Jon Cooper is pleading for people to vote for Liz, you know that’s just one more reason not to vote for her.
Jonathan Capehart (Associate Editor, Washington Post) is a strong challenge to Cooper’s delusion scale.
Liz Cheney’s looming primary defeat will make her more powerful than Trump can imagine.
— Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) August 13, 2022
Capehart seems to acknowledge the reality that Cheney is going to lose in the primary, but he argues that’s a good thing for her, that it will somehow make her more powerful. “Liz Cheney’s looming primary defeat will make her more powerful than Trump can imagine,” Capehart declared, linking to his story where he compared Cheney to Obi-Wan and Trump to Darth Vader.
Kenobi and Vader are monologuing over the crackle of their clashing weapons when Kenobi declares, “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” Then, in an act of self-sacrifice he hopes will hasten the destruction of the evil Empire, Kenobi allows Vader to do just that.
Capehart acknowledges that it’s been Dick Cheney that the left has termed as Darth Vader, but, hey, who cares if his analogy is reversed? Get along with him, folks!
Rep. Liz Cheney (R.Wyo.), has a live version of this battle. Former president Donald Trump is the Vader, while Kenobi plays as Kenobi. Now, I realize that Cheney’s father, former vice president Dick Cheney, has traditionally been known as Darth Vader, what with the Iraq War and “enhanced interrogation” techniques and all that. You can still work with me.
This is absurd. They only care about Trump and her ability to help. When she stops being of use, the left will discard her like an old dishrag. That’s how much “power” she will have. It is her pitch to run for President. What platform? Which constituency? She can’t even hold onto Wyoming. Democrats aren’t going to vote for her — they’re going to vote for Democrats.
As we already witnessed, the Democrats restricted Adam Kinzinger (R IL), her turncoat colleague. Democrats also supported Trump-endorsed John Gibbs in the Michigan GOP primary because they thought he’d be easier to beat than the guy they claimed had “principles” and voted for impeachment, Rep. Peter Meijer (R-MI). Anyone who helps their story will be thrown under the bus by them if they want to hold on to power. Liz Cheney really believes that these people will line up to support her. I’ve got a Brooklyn bridge for sale.
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