Tur Claims Women May Seek Abortions Because ‘You Don’t Want The Child’

Katy Tur was the Tuesday Edition of MSNBC Reports into a giant advertisement for Planned Parenthood and abortion while declaring a woman might seek an abortion for many reasons, including “you don’t want the child.”

During a conversation with the COO of Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky, Rebecca Gibron, Tur portrayed abortion as just another form of medical care when she asked, “do you think that there are other ways for them [the Justice Department] to push back on this care, on denying this care across the country?” 



Gibron was not authorized to give legal advice. However, he condemned the incident. Dobbs ruling and state legislatures around the country, “Well, listen, when the Dobbs decision came down, the Supreme Court created a national public health crisis. We know that 36 million people in this country will now be finding themselves living in communities and states where there are abortion bans and so unfortunately, extreme lawmakers across this country are furthering that problem and this crisis by passing abortion bans at breakneck speed.”

Tur then shifted gears to do promotional service for Gibron’s employer, “because I think it’s an important point.” Admitting that the unborn is a child and not just a random clump of cells, Tur ghoulishly and matter-of-factly declared, “there’s the issue of abortion, deciding that you can’t handle the child, you don’t want the child, whatever the reason behind the abortion.”

But, Tur claimed, Planned Parenthood does so much more than just abortions, “So when we’re talking about abortion bans, how does Planned Parenthood see this especially, considering that Planned Parenthood offers a variety of services, it’s not just abortion, they offer so much more to women around the country.”

Tur has never clarified what abortion bans mean for non-abortion service providers. Neither did Gibron, but she was still happy for the free advertising, “We provide a full range of reproductive health care services including birth control, well visits, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment We provide a full range of reproductive health care services including birth control, well visits, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment, gender-affirming hormone care.” 

Not only does Planned Parenthood provide abortions, it now provides “hormone care” to those 16 and older, with parental consent, and referrals for those not yet 16 and MSNBC thinks this is wonderful.

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This transcript is for the show on August 23, 2009.

MSNBC Reports


11.46 am ET

KATY TUR (All right. So these laws that are potentially going to take effect all around the country, the DOJ is using this argument in Idaho, do you think that there are other ways for them to push back on this care, on denying this care across the country? 

REBECCA GIBRON : Listen, it’s when you hear the Dobbs decision came down, the Supreme Court created a national public health crisis. We know that 36 million people in this country will now be finding themselves living in communities and states where there are abortion bans and so unfortunately, extreme lawmakers across this country are furthering that problem and this crisis by passing abortion bans at breakneck speed. 

TUR: And just to go back to this because I think it’s an important point, there’s the issue of abortion, deciding that you can’t handle the child, you don’t want the child, whatever the reason behind the abortion and then there’s also the issue of just care for women, the getting of the care they need to keep themselves safe and to keep their families safe. 

So when we’re talking about abortion bans, how does Planned Parenthood see this especially, considering that Planned Parenthood offers a variety of services, it’s not just abortion, they offer so much more to women around the country. 

GIBRON: That’s correct and the reality is for 70% of our patients, we are their only health care provider and so unlike extreme lawmakers across this country and here in Idaho, we are not turning our backs on our patients. We provide a full range of reproductive health care services including birth control, well visits, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment, gender-affirming hormone care. So we will be here ready and able and willing to help our patients get all of the health care that they need and desire. 

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