A Molecular Geneticist Makes It Clear That Women Can’t be Men – Opinion

With your eyes and experience, you can easily see the differences between men and women. It has been a common theme throughout history that men and women behaved and looked very differently, yet they were still able to see the other side of the coin. Modern politicization, which is based on thousands of years worth of scientific research, has led to the belief that they are interchangeable, despite all this being common knowledge.

The “follow the science” crowd that scoffed and screamed about non-scientific things such as masks, vaccines, and the church of climate change, seem to be wholly willing to ignore science when it comes to transgenderism.

As a clip from a recent video shows, however, molecular geneticists are making clear that science is not to be ignored. Women and men are both different. Why? Because as she explains in the clip, growing up male or female is something that happens before you’re even born and continues to build as you age.

The woman also explained that women and men interact differently with one another, as evidenced by what she witnessed in prison. The woman explained that female prisoners are being raped by men who claim they’re female and even becoming pregnant. Moreover, men tend to beat each other to death and women just don’t do that, she explained.

The biologist blamed “internalized misogyny” to explain why women are allowing this to happen, but it’s here where she and I disagree. “Internalized misogyny” is just nonsense used to shame women who actually allow their men to lead in relationships or just have traditional marriages.

After being in the culture war over a decade it seems to me that women are more inclined to accept mainstream leftism than their male counterparts to keep them from becoming culturally unacceptable. This is according to Phys.org’s study:

“We found that when women act on their own behalf, they maintain higher ethical standards than men. However, women will act less ethically, such as telling a lie, when they fear being viewed as ineffective at representing another person’s interests,” said Prof. Laura Kray of UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. “When women negotiate on behalf of someone else, they are willing to make compromises in order to satisfy the needs of others.”

According to this study, women are more likely to lower their moral standards to keep from being criticized by the public than are men to defend themselves.

“Ask yourself, ‘What are the constraints and social pressures? If I was doing this for myself or someone else, how would I act differently,” Kray added.

This means that women will be more open to accepting what’s false and dangerous, if they can avoid being criticized. Many women know full well that transgender men aren’t women and actually do feel a large amount of discomfort when these men enter their private spaces, but they are far more likely to shut up and allow it to happen for fear of social backlash.

However, all facts will be the same. The facts are the same for men and women. Talking the opposite is just plain wrong and, more important, dangerous for women. Science is very clear, but even if science wasn’t weighing in, we could see with our own eyes just how different men and women are.

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