They’re Finally Getting Honest About Those Masks They Forced You to Wear – Opinion

It’s funny how often “the science” has to catch up with common sense and it would appear that after months of being told that wearing a mask was necessary to save humanity from the ravages of a virus with a 99-plus percent survival rate, they’re finally admitting that the cloth masks we’ve been putting over our faces haven’t exactly been effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19.

CBS7 New York reported that researchers at Yale and other universities found that the spread can be stopped by masks of a particular grade.

A study released in November by researchers at Yale University, Stanford University and others found that villages in Bangladesh where surgical masks were worn had 11% fewer cases of COVID than in villages where no masks were worn. Only 5% of infections occurred in villages where cloth masks were worn.

All patients and visitors at the Mayo Clinic are now required to use a medical-grade surgical mask.

“There is emerging evidence that a surgical mask or a hospital or a medical grade mask does a better job of preventing respiratory droplets carrying the virus to other people around you,” said Dr. Adi Shah with the Mayo Clinic.

Shah stated that evidence from smaller studies also suggests that surgical masks offer better protection than cloth masks. Shah reminded people to remember that the mask does not protect the individual wearing it, but the rest of the population.

While the surgical mask may be better, it still has only an 11 percent success rate in terms of stopping the spread, which isn’t really much of a success rate at all. According to studies, the N95 masks are the best.

Protective masks such as the N95 and KN95 have been, and continue to be, considered the best. These masks have been certified and tested by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to filter 95% of airborne particles.

Meaning that a lot of the mask-wearing we’re doing is mostly theater and the only real protection comes in the form of N95 masks which aren’t exactly required to be worn. While it’s true that 11 percent is better than zero, it’s definitely in the “extremely low” range of effectiveness, effectively making it a facial decoration.

That “facial decoration” descriptor was used by CNN’s “medical expert” Leana Wen, one of the left’s loudest COVID alarmists just last month.

(READ: One of the Nation’s Leading COVID Tyrants Makes a Stunning Admission About Masks)

Although masks can be an individual choice, up until now many have considered them to be an integral part in stopping the spread. It would be more sensible if they needed effective masking, such as N95 masks. However these masks are very rare and difficult to find since the outbreak. Masking was no longer a safety and compliance tool.

Many people could observe this with basic observation. It’s nice that “the science” is finally catching up.

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