They Hate Us Because We Don’t Need Them – Opinion

It is truly shocking to see the hateful and inhumane slurs and orders that progressive left-wing media commentators have been spewing lately.

My career began during the Obama administration. I was among the many insults and vitriol directed from the left at black conservatives. This was part of the job. Accepting it was part of the battle cost, Andrew Breitbart the great taught us how embrace it and laugh about it. We were proud warriors.

Although conservative media was not always welcome in the progressive legacy media, it wasn’t considered dangerous. More like…temper tantrums.

However, progressives are becoming increasingly concerned about what’s been going on since Trump’s election. Trump was a shock to their world. He was a complete outsider who wasn’t even supposed to be a seriously player in the game, let alone the winner. It was too dangerous to have an outsider in the White House who wouldn’t respect the hierarchy and rules of Capitol Hill life. They spent four years trying to get him out, but he was forced to leave.

You’d think they’d be happy that they won. They won their man. Even though Joe Biden is the strangest and saddest President I’ve ever experienced in my lifetime, the point remains…he’s TheirFor the guy. Why don’t they seem happy?

Progressive left, however, has increased censorship to the point of near insurmountable heights and increased the heat beneath political discourse. Their figureheads- people like Joy Reid and AOC – go on tv and accuse conservative voters of being murderers, white supremacists, baby Hitlers. These people no longer see their ideological adversaries as human. Even the reasonable conservative pundits that they used to like are still the victims of their hate speech, because these days it isn’t about what you said and what your words and actions can prove about you. It’s about nothing more than the vote you cast.

The progressive left has decided that anyone who isn’t them is the enemy, and therefore the enemy must be eliminated by any means necessary.

They favor silence. The goal of the progressive left is to make sure we can’t participate in the public conversation, our ideas can’t be heard, our opinions can’t be considered. They truly believe that if they make the mouthpieces of conservatism go away that they’ll magically “solve” the problem of conservatives.

You idiots, after all, are little robots without any thoughts of their own. We would stop you from thinking if we could feed your thoughts.

Obviously I’m being sarcastic, but that’s actually how the left views their own, and they project it onto us. They can’t defend their ideas. To be considered influential, you must force other ideas from the marketplace.

Let’s face it. The real problem progressive leftists have with the right is that we don’t need them anymore.

They aren’t the gatekeepers of information and communication anymore and it really burns their gluten-free buns. They can’t stand that no matter what they try, we keep making end-runs around their stupid, childish barriers.

Techno-moguls have emerged from the progressive left, making pundits Dan Bongino (and Dave Rubin) into techno moguls. Alternative social media sites are popping up here and there, and while they certainly don’t yet have the cache of a Twitter or Facebook, they are available as communication options for those who desire them.

This drives them insane.

That’s why we should keep pushing back. We can’t get discouraged by their power. We are able to have some, and we can choose from many options. And the worse they become with their censorship the more power brokers that they will be able to create.

They hate us because we don’t need them.

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