Flying Dog Brewery’s CEO Jim Caruso refers to his business as a “First Amendment Brewery.” Because he continues to fight for beer labels.
It all began in 1995 when the Colorado Liquor Commission opposed to the label “Good Beer, no S “.
Bureaucrats told him, “Pull the beer from the market, or we suspend your license,” he says in my new video. This could have caused him to lose his business.
Caruso tells me, “I’m glad that we get to speak’s —‘ during this interview. But I can understand why regulators wouldn’t want it.”
“Want freedom of speech? Caruso replies, “You have to respect it in others.”
The Colorado Supreme Court has overturned the decision of Colorado’s liquor commission after four years worth of litigation.
Michigan’s liquor regulator banned another Caruso beer called “Raging —-“”. (Remember that it was “Flying! Dog“Brewery”
Bureaucrats claimed that the label was harmful to the overall health, safety and wellbeing of the public. Caruso was informed by them that Oprah didn’t use the term on her show.
Michigan police demanded that he remove Raging B —-, otherwise they’d take it.
Caruso was again taken to court.
Are you willing to live in a country that government bureaucrats can, on the basis of whim and individual preference, restrict what they do not like?” Caruso asks. “Movies. Books. Music lyrics. News stories.
“No,” I reply. “But, I wouldn’t like to fight about a beer name. Why should you? You can change the beer’s name.
“All these battles can be won at the margin.” Caruso responds, “That’s where all controversy is.” “It’s too late to defend mainstream ideas when it becomes controversial.”
Six more years later, he was awarded the victory. According to the court, banning vulgarity labels violates Article 1.
Since Caruso’s beers were already approved by the federal government, you’d expect that the bureaucrats knew this. Each American brewery must submit all labels to an federal bureau called the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.
I find it interesting to wonder why every state needs its own regulation.
The answer, I believe is bureaucrats wanting jobs. Politicians want our money.
Caruso complained that the federal government has hundreds upon pages of regulations. Maryland’s regulations are 300 pages long, single-spaced. I think Maryland is 300 pages, single-spaced. It is costly and requires a long time to comply.
North Carolina’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission has rejected “Freezin’ Season”, a Caruso beer.
This label shows a cartoon character standing in front of an open fire. The label might depict a naked male figure…or not. One tiny line could be a sign of a Penis.
Ah, no! We need someone to save us! North Carolina’s BEEReaucrats
Caruso was told by the parents that it is inappropriate to expose children’s eyes to such an image. They cited Rule 15b 1003-3(2), which forbids labelling that is “undignified or immodest”
Bureaucrats love writing lines like “Rule 15b 1003-3(2).” North Carolina has rejected over 300 additional beer labels, including “Polygamy Porter,” Beergasm and Hedonism.
Caruso is suing because most rejected breweries don’t sell the banned beers to other states. He is a good man for using his money to protect a principle.
North Carolina approved North Carolina’s beer just days before the first hearing. They said their “change of heart” made it moot.
Caruso continued his lawsuit anyway and stated that it was not just about one beer label. “It’s about dismantling an unconstitutional law!”
Additionally, he pointed out that “If the purpose was to protect children, but they have lifted it now, then they are either sacrificing children on the altar of not having to appear at a preliminary hearing or just full of s —.”.”
North Carolina’s Liquor Commission wouldn’t allow an interview.
John Stossel wrote “Give Me A Break: How My Exposed Hucksters Cheats and Scam Artists to Became the Scourge Of the Liberal Media.”
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