The White House Struggles to Explain Away Its Recent Bout of Hypocrisy – Opinion

As you’ve probably noticed, there’s been a sudden shift on the left regarding COVID-19 measures over the last week. Multiple blue-state governors have lifted state mask mandates while pushing a “return to normalcy” narrative. Many church of COVID leaders, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci or Dr. Leana Wein have changed their tune.

All of that has happened under the false notion that “the science” has changed. The truth is, there are still many deaths, more cases than the Delta wave and no vaccine passports or masks that can stop the spread of this virus.

So wha,t’s actually changed? Of course the politics are catching up to White House, who is trying hard to discredit its hypocrisy.

Jen Psaki tried her best Wednesday, however.

The contrast here is the administration’s differing responses to mask mandates — depending on what party a governor belongs to. When it’s Gov. Ron DeSantis and Gov. Glenn Youngkin simply saying that people should have a choice and that he won’t allow mandates, they are framed as grandma-killing, science-denying lunatics by Psaki and company. Yet, when it’s Gov. Phil Murphy, Gov. Kathy Hochul, Gov.

In the end, all of those governors, Republican and Democrat alike, are “defying” the CDC’s guidelines. So, where’s the indignation this week, now that blue states are dropping mandates? Psaki says there’s a “distinct” difference, claiming that DeSantis tried to “stand in the way” of parents who wanted to muzzle their children. That’s completely false. Florida never attempted to prevent anyone wearing a mask if they wanted. Virginia is the same.

The White House, however is stuck between two rocks. The governors of the blue states are realizing the signs and need to make changes immediately to avoid an election disaster. That’s left the Joe Biden and his handlers with little room to maneuver. The next week they are criticizing Republican governors who have not mandated masks. They praise Democrat governors who do the same next week. That’s because there’s a soft-mutiny going when it comes to these mitigation measures; even on the left, and the White House has lost control of the narrative.

Credibility is a valuable thing to waste, and Psaki has apparently decided that it’s time to just burn it all down. The rush to memory-hole the administration’s incompetent, tyrannical handling of the coronavirus is underway. That may play well with the CNN crowd, but given Joe Biden’s basement-level approval, it’s obvious most of the American electorate are tired of being gaslit.

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