In a podcast episode, fact-checkers are held accountable as two media reporters discuss numerous issues with these truth detectors — and ZimaIt’s possible!
Jennifer Van Laar, a blogger here at the front page recently described the torture that conservative outlets such as RedState go through because of the fact-check boards which monitor social media content. Van Laar explains the extent to which these arbitrators go to justifiably impose punishments on outlets and pass judgments in order to impact viewership or engagement.
Tim Graham (long-serving editor, senior member of NewsBusters’ Media Resource Center division), gave me the chance to meet him. Tim and I spend a lot of time together monitoring media, and reporting on the various methods used to create news stories. You can find my Townhall column here. Taken from the HeadlinesThe methods are described in detail under a number of headings, including the use fact-checking as a way to manipulate or change the news cycle.
The topic was brought up by my RedState article in which I discussed the different approaches fact-checkers took to the Joe Biden townhall, broadcast on CNN. Then we looked at some of the other techniques these truth-seekers use. They can avoid news, reframe interpretations or even allow one side to correct false statements.
We had a rousing time in an enjoyable discussion, and we even got to the core of a deeply important side topic — what is with my affection for Zima?We are so grateful!
You can follow Tim at NewsBusters, where you will find columns every day and numerous podcasts each week. is his partner website. He also contributes as a guest blogger. Follow my Daily Media Column, in which I expose and explain the actions of the media. All you need to do is join Townhall VIP membership. Right now we offer deep discounts on subscriptions.
If you enter my name on the signup page, SLAGER will instantly apply your discount. Then you can follow along as I tear into the corporate press complex, holding them accountable with the very thing they prefer to avoid — facts. OK, sometimes I evoke a little bit of ridicule or well-deserved denigration. (Hint — it’s warranted daily.)