The New Biden Administration Thought Police Effort Needs Just as Much Exposure – Opinion

With far less fanfare, the new Biden administration’s disinformation task force may be far more dangerous.

This was an excellent example of the classic cliche. The best disinfectant? Sunlight The Department of Homeland Security has released its seriously flawed report. Disinformation Governance Board — headed by the deeply problematic Nina Jankowicz — a growing list of revelations and exposed details derailed the new enterprise. With a comparable lifespan, DGB had died in less than a week.

The Biden administration is able to withstand widespread resistance and the public’s derision. It has decided to redouble its efforts Thought control. Labeled “White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse,” the game plan is to collocate a group that will monitor and police social media platforms. The new plan is even worse than its predecessor. Kamala Harris will head it this time. This is the only positive thing about this announcement. Her history of incompetence, sloth, and neglect on previous assigned duties such as border enforcement means that this could also be doomed. 

First sign that there is trouble is when the announcements are made. Invokes recent shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde. Most people should be aware of this because it evokes a similar response to the violent gun violence. This is a common tendency, with the exception of the specific amendment that was targeted.

Also, there’s the rumored scope for this renewed attack on expression. Alejandro Mayorkas, DHS, is now responsible for this. Biden brought with him members of the National Security Council including Anthony Blinken (State Department), Attorney General Merrick Grland (Attorney General), and Xavier Becerra (HHS). At the ceremony’s announcement, the Surgeon General also spoke at the press conference. Vivek Murthy. Let’s just take a minute to understand the scope and purpose of this task force.

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Sloane Stephens was a professional tennis player who spoke out about being the victim of online abuse. This was a strange moment, as who hasn’t experienced online abuse? This is the star athlete complaining about an experience that we all endure. But, it is important to note that this is not just a celebrity. In the White House’s announcement, they stated that their focus would be on disinformation. 

Online harassment and abuse of sexual nature are a major problem for women, LGBTQI+ politicians, journalists, and public figures in the United States. This makes it difficult to protect their rights, exercise democracy and take part in civic life.

It is quite a superior mission statement. These power brokers from D.C. will lead the task force that will ensure online abuse does not target celebrities, journalists, or politicians. We must protect the elitists from the rabble.

Remember, DGB was exposed when Jankowicz, who had been a supporter of a plan for Twitter users to be verified, received the ability to alter the posts of other users, according to their standards of misinformation. The new task force’s plans are just as ambitious. Murthy stated this at the press conference.

“It can no longer be acceptable for a technology company to put out a product and walk away from the responsibility for how it impacts users and communities. It can no longer be okay for social media platforms to be fertile grounds for hatred.”

The Jankowicz platform is still present in the reconstituted police force. Among the items that Biden’s new task force refers to as a reference point is a government report commissioned from Texas A & MJankowicz’s writings in the past are cited, and so the echos can be heard clearly. 

Kelley McCall

More reason for pause is that Nina’s old boss Mayorkas had been Submitted to a Congressional HearingThe revelation they misrepresented the DGB’s scope. Mayorkas said they were protecting freedom of speech. But internal memos revealed that they had been working closely with Twitter executives, in an effort to silence those voices they thought were dangerous. 

That Jankowicz was exposed as being a source of prominent misinformation herself – She was shown to have discredited proven facts as well as backing disinformation stories such as the Steele Dossier – underscores the way that this new task force can also drift into policing Approved speech.

This new effort also has a marked difference in the media’s reaction. Although the news was covered by many media outlets, there are not as many journalists praising the new plan as we did with the DGB. MSNBC This plan has been praised highlyAP saw it As a legitimate enterpriseOf course! Brian Stelter expressed enthusiasm the White House battle against disinformation “Sounds like common sense.”

It seems that the cheerleading this time is much more muted than usual. We need to keep the pressure on this administration’s attempt, as it is more widespread than its previous disaster and they all seem to have learned what needs to be shielded from the public so it does not go awry. Already, this new plan shows signs that more light needs to be given to what’s happening.

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