Here in Michigan it’s time to get serious.
You say that this is your business?
It would involve working to eliminate Jennifer Granholm as governor. Gretchen is to be commended for taking on such an enormous task, and in just four years she did almost the same damage that Granholm over her eight-year tenure.
RedState reported yesterday that the Michigan GOP has finalized their ticket for Tudor Dixon, Shane Hernandez and is ready to roll. Michigan Republicans Choose Strong Conservative Shane Hernandez as the Lt. Governor.
From that article…
Thankfully, the Michigan GOP yesterday–after a bit of a rough start at the beginning of their meeting–did the right thing in affirming that a solid conservative should be running with Tudor Dixon against the mess that is the Whitmer administration. This is the start of an effort to challenge the failures of the last four years and build a strong campaign for how the future four.
With 70 days to go before the November 8th election, I’m not naive about how difficult this job will be. It is difficult to defeat any incumbent politician who has a large war chest, even one like Governor Gretchen Whitmer, generally speaking.
In just four years, she has failed to fix the roads as promised and has increased the state’s budget by historic levels. The COVID crises were handled by her just as poorly as any other Governor from the Lower 48. This includes Andrew Cuomo, the ex-disgraced Guv. There was also the issue of private jets flying about while telling residents back at home to stay in their homes and not leave while business owners were forced to close down.
Ahhhh, the memories.
All of this and the divisiveness in Michigan GOP politics, reminds me of a time 10 years ago when Americans were dissatisfied with the overall state of things. The two most prominent candidates on the GOP side to challenge President Barack Obama were Mitt Romney (Rick Santorum)
The sobs and yawning of this race can be heard still.
Yet the man who became the face of the Tea Party Movement all those years ago, Andrew Breitbart, delivered a speech at CPAC 2012 that has since been dubbed the Unity Speech and I think it is relevant for today’s Michigan GOP.
Breitbart offered a perfect counterbalance against the dominant leftist bent of mainstream media reporting. He understood better than anybody that Obama’s MSM had him in their pocket. The best time for Obama to be defeated was February 2011, during the largest gathering for conservatives.
You can see the entire speech at the bottom, but the quotation about unity in the end of dethroning the Democratic candidate is directly below.
You want a unity speech I’ll give you a unity speech. I don’t care who our candidate is and I haven’t since the beginning of this. I haven’t. Ask not what the candidate can do for you, ask what you can do for the candidate and that’s what the tea party is. We are there to confront them on behalf of our candidate I will march behind whoever our candidate is because if we don’t we lose.
You did it.
Yes, I admit that I’ve sat at home and not voted in elections. I also have voted for third parties more times than I care to count. I’m one of those great Independent voters that decide elections and since I’ve learned of my true superpower with this, I have never looked back.
However, I do understand that with this great power also comes great responsibility (Thanks, Uncle Ben) and that there is also knowing the time and place to use that power.
Tudor Dixon or Gretchen Whitmer would be unknown candidates. I can see some people arguing about whether to vote third-party or sitting in this election. Because I may actually take that action, I wouldn’t be making any argument for anyone not taking it.
Gretchen Whitmer however isn’t an undiscovered candidate.
Her existence is well known and her negative impact on the Great Lake State is the same as Godzilla’s effect on the Tokyo nuclear plant. This universal truth is also known as Gretch. Actually Any part of Japan has been destroyed.
This is for those who are part of the Republican Party and have made some very interesting excuses not to vote for the Republican ticket. I know what it is like to be frustrated. But, you don’t have to give up on your rights and vote.
Today’s state situation is similar to what it was 10 years ago at the national level. The ballot included a well-known Democrat, who did a lot to damage. This gave us the chance to join forces with the Republican ticket and defeat our opponent.
Andrew Breitbart’s speech at CPAC 2012 ten years ago was accurate about his sentiment of being united behind the GOP ticket that would be elected later in 2012. In the State of Michigan, his words are just as relevant today with support for the GOP ticket that can end the destruction of Big Gretch.
If you are honest and do what is right, then both yourself and Michigan will have a better future.
You can also check my RedState if you don’t agree. BIORight Click HEREYou can send me your ideas and I’ll be open to them.
Unity speech part at 12:25 of Andrew’s last CPAC speech in 2012.
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