The Media Start Losing Their Minds Over ‘Let’s Go, Brandon,’ and I Think I Know Why – Opinion

Just when you thought the “Let’s go, Brandon” craze might die down, it came back like gangbusters late this week. The phrase, which originated via a NASCAR reporter’s hilarious commentary, has gone viral on the right as a clean way to make fun of Joe Biden and his terrible policies.

Although the news spread quickly across the nation, the majority of the media ignored it. But that was all about to change when Southwest Airlines reported yesterday that a pilot had used the joke during a flight. RedState earlier reported that the freak-out is now mainstreamed beyond left-wing Twitter.

Here are a few examples from what I’m assured are responsible news outlets.

Notice the use of the word “vulgar” here, when there is objectively nothing vulgar about saying “Let’s go, Brandon.” Yes, I understand it’s a clean way of saying something naughty, but so are the words “shoot” and “darn.” When you go out of your way to not be vulgar, you are, by definition, not being vulgar. These headlines can be called fake news, or another name.

However, I believe I understand why the smelling oils are being seized. For a second, bear with me.

The reason “Let’s go, Brandon” drives the left so incredibly batty is because the right has figured out a way to make fun of Joe Biden in any setting. Four years of Donald Trump’s vulgarity, including naked and small-genitalia costumes, mock beheadings and Hitler comparisons have left the media desperate to paint Republicans (and some others) the same way they painted Democrats. But they can’t, because “Let’s go, Brandon” is as PG as it gets.

There’s nothing a bully hates more than being beaten at their own game without the other side having to throw a punch. That’s what “Let’s go, Brandon” is. It’s a harmless joke that normal people can say without feeling like they’ve crossed a line, and that is driving the media absolutely insane. They would like to have everyone in the world be able to do what they want. They are refusing to accept this completely shattered their plan to make 2022 a referendum of decorum, decency and respect. It was a topic they heavily advocated in 2020.

It will not be so. In the end it will always have been the lunatics from the left that set the standard for obscene behavior in Trump’s presidency. As much as the media want to draw an equivalency to what we are seeing with “Let’s go, Brandon,” one simply does not exist. These headlines are laughable and only serve to backfire.

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