The Fabulist in Chief – Opinion

Sure, Biden lied about being to the Border, but lying to increase his cred isn’t new.

Joe Biden is an afabulist. When he’s not lying he’s gaffing. He’s a walking malapropos; a gold mine of made-up nonsense. Biden made up stuff even before he became VP and President. Biden plagiarized college essays. His academic theft was only discovered after Biden ran for president the first time.

He said he was also a graduate of three universities.

He doesn’t.

According to him, he received an academic scholarship that allowed him to attend law school.

He didn’t.

One: Biden was interviewed during his time as VP. Biden was asked questions about leadership and presidents. Joe responded:

“Part of what a leader does is to instill confidence, is demonstrate that he/she knows what they are talking about … when the Stock Market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed; he said, “Look, here’s what happened.”

1929 was the year that the Market crashed. In 1929, the only televisions that worked were small enough to transmit static from a laboratory. FDR wasn’t in the Oval Office, FDR was the governor of New York in 1929.

Biden is an avid Fabulist. Fabulist in Chief.

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