The Emily Litella Media Lead To Yet Another Debunked Embarrassment: Never Mind!

These hits are just the beginning.

One would think that having been humiliated by their coverage – um, make that lack of coverage – of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, the liberal media would be just a tad more thoughtful when covering the latest supposed news. That “news,” NewsBusters’ Bill D’Agostino reported, was about a supposed “seven-hour gap in the White House call logs from January 6, 2021.”

Bill recalled:  

For nearly a full week MSNBC’s Chris Hayes dedicated the first block of his nightly 8 pm show to the call logs, in which he and his guests pontificated about burner phones and cover-ups. Hayes was not the only one. From CNBC’s Shep Smith, to CBS’s Norah O’Donnell, to CNN’s John Avlon, TV news was positively giddy about the latest apparent Trump scandal.


All of these faces were involved in the tale. Bill with the coup de grace.

The story fizzled last Thursday when CNN’s Jamie Gangel reported that the call logs were actually complete according to an official review: “The fact the log does not show calls on January 6, 2021, from the Oval Office is not unusual, said the sources, because Trump typically had staff either place calls directly for him on landlines or cell phones. Those calls would not be noted on the switchboard log.”


Also, just like the Hunter Biden scandal the liberal media made the exact wrong judgement. Why? Why is it happening so often?

All can see the answer if they wish to.

These media outlets aren’t about journalism. These media institutions are all about liberal activism.

Consider the Hunter Biden episode. It is an example of serious investigative journalism. The New York Post exposing the existence and explosive contents of a forgotten laptop belonging to President Biden’s famously troubled son. The media react? They either ignore it outright or dismiss it as “Russian disinformation.”

Today, more than a year later The New York TimesAnd Washington PostYou are, sheepishly? Recognizing that yes, the laptop exists and the contents.

They do the exact same thing over and again, just as soon as they have finished with this embarrassing situation!

The story, which is noted in the MRC video montage, revolves around the claim that Trump White House phone records from January 6th have mysteriously disappeared! The liberal media is in meltdown, as this MRC video montage demonstrates.

Gilda Radner shared a hilarious and long-running joke with Chevy Chase many years ago. Saturday Night LiveIn which she was a somewhat snarky TV commentator called Emily Litella. Chase had hired Emily to answer editorials. She would look into the camera, let loose and get her main topic wrong.

Emily would demand to know the problem with “violins on television” or “busting students” or “the eagle rights amendment” and more, always getting a gentle correction from Chase and then ending with a chastened sweet smile and saying: “Never mind!”

My favorite in the 1976 presidential election season was when Emily looked into the camera and demanded: “What’s all this fuss I’ve been hearing about the 1976 presidential erection?” On she went about presidents needing erections until a chagrined Chevy Chase taps her and says:

Chevy Chase: Miss Litella –

Emily Litella: I can’t believe the way things are turning out in this country — what?

Chevy Chase: I’m sorry. That’s election. It was not about presidential erection, but the presidential election. Election.

Emily Litella: Oh, that’s very different.

Chevy Chase: Yes.

Emily Litella: [ smiling ] Never mind.

The bit became a standard, always involving Emily’s absolute certainty about her topic, only and always to be interrupted and informed she had gotten some major story absolutely wrong. The audience just waiting for the chastened look and the accompanying “Never mind!”

At this point in dealing with the liberal media of today one would be forgiven for thinking the entire left-wing media is composed of so many Emily Litella’s. Repeatedly, over and over again, getting the story of the moment completely wrong – and finally, in one form, fashion or another having to say: “Never mind.”

It would be funny if the routine was not as serious. It is not an accident. Saturday Night LiveSkit, not real life or real news.

And it isn’t happening.

This is the obvious reason Americans have adopted this view of the news. It is plain and simple these are no longer “journalists” — they are left-wing activists.

They don’t care about facts and news, but they promote liberal ideas. That could mean ignoring the Hunter Biden laptop case to vote for Joe Biden. Do it if that involves telling Donald Trump another January 6 lie — done.

This is all to state, again, that the liberal media can’t — or maybe more accurately won’t — return to reporting on the news.

They wonder why they have such low ratings.

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