While working on a construction projects, it is crucial to select the right machine for the application. Your selection will greatly affect your work efficiency and the ease with which you’ll complete a job. As far excavators are concerned, tail swing is an important consideration.
It impacts greatly on the mobility and maneuverability of an excavator. It is an important while you’re working on small site with tight spaces and there’re obstacles to navigate. If you’re working in small site with multiple safety hazards, experts recommend going with a reduced or zero-tail swing models.
But this feature also depends on the size of excavator as well as the amount of load the machine is going to carry. Excavators are available in the market in three different configurations i.e. zero tail-swing, reduced tailswing, and conventional tail swing.
In a zero tail-swing design, the excavator body or housing doesn’t extend beyond the tracks or wheels while rotating. While in reduced tailswing, the housing extends only few inches. Anyhow, all of these configurations have their own pros and cons. But one must consider all factors before renting an excavator of a particular configuration.
Reduced or zero tail swing
If you’re looking to work in urban and residential projects where site area is confined or limited, a reduced or zero tail-swing has a lot to offer. Because of reduced radius, it can easily maneuver around tight spaces and there’s also less chance of damaging the surrounding environment and property. The models with reduced or zero tail swing rely more on the weight out back for balance. They lift the material with more weight out front and the sides.
For highways and road maintenance works, these models come handy. They can easily fit in a single lane and you don’t have to stop traffic flow. You can use them for undertaking utility service and maintenance with single lane closure and minimal interference.
Conventional swing
A conventional swing on the other hand rely more on hanging out counterweight more. Due to that, it has more lifting capacity as well as buck and arm breakout force. Because of spacious housing, it has more room in the cab and is easier to work with. So, if you’re looking for greater flexibility along with strength and operation; better go with the conventional swing. They‘re best for all-around performance in general construction applications.
They offer more front linkage and work tools and usually the initial purchase price is less than a reduced tailswing machine. In terms of maintenance and servicing, a conventional type wins again. In a reduced or zero tail swing, the mechanic and service provider has to work hard to access components as the manufacturer has squeezed everything into small space. Now that you’re through to different type of excavator configurations, it’s the time to pick one for your project. But be sure to evaluate jobsite and the application before making a decision on your excavator hire machines. You need to consider the task ahead and any special requirement for the project.