The Biden Administration Admits They Are Killing the Economy for No Reason – Opinion

Earlier today, the news media touted new “commitments” to fight “climate change” from the leaders currently meeting at the G20. Joe Biden had already made it his number one issue. He skipped Halloween at The White House in order to go overseas.

But while that was going on, the truth was coming out on “State of the Union” this morning. Antony Blinken said that China has not made any concessions to them. The communist state skipped the COP26 summit on climate change and plans to continue construction of coal power plants at a remarkable pace.

Here’s the thing with all the climate change hysteria. While the United States might achieve zero carbon emissions in 10 years, it would still be a huge challenge without devastating the entire world’s economy. It also wouldn’t make up a large portion of the climate change that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) believes is required to avoid major temperature increases over the next 100-years. In other words, if China and India don’t make big changes, there is almost nothing to be gained by Western countries nuking their own economies in the name of global warming.

This fact is enough to understand why China will continue building power stations for coal. They will not stop using coal. The communist nation is already in economic trouble and has taken an “anything goes” approach, from energy policy to monetary policy. The United States has done more than cut its own legs under Joe Biden, but the Chinese have a better idea.

All of this is to say that Biden has been kneecapping America’s economy without any reason. If China isn’t on board with the president’s delusions about controlling the weather, then middle-class Americans are paying high energy prices while gaining nothing in return. What did cancelling Keystone XL accomplish? Setting radical emissions goals for the US economy while China plans to keep upping their output until at least 2030 (and that assumes you believe their pledge, which you shouldn’t) is self-defeating and stupid.

Unfortunately, we are led by absolute morons who are religiously dedicated to fighting “climate change” — even when it makes no sense to do what they are proposing we do. We must let the Biden Administration go and wait for change to arrive in 2024.

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