The 827th Tank Destroyer Battalion, an all-black unit which operated in World War II’s German theater, was the 827th Tank Destroyer Battalion.
“Enemy tank destruction was our business, and that’s all we wanted to do.” – Pfc. Charles Branson is the assistant gunner of the 827th Tank Destroyer Battalion.
The unit served with courage and brought down 11 German tanks on one day, dispersing all the other enemy. They bagged four more the next day. However, 827 failed to score more victories due to racial animosities. This led to the disbandment of large swathes of the unit and black soldiers being relegated for non-combat duty. It was a shameful time, but one that underscores a larger truth about the American spirit – we have always been fighters, even when we ourselves are the victims of injustice.
Details of this battalion were pulled largely from Christopher Paul Moore’s book Fighting For America: Black Soldiers – The Unsung Heroes of World war II.
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