Ted Cruz Lists the Five Lies the Biden Administration Has Told About Their Out-of-Control Inflation – Opinion

The inflation issue our nation is going through is definitely the fault of the Biden administration but far be it from Democrats to take responsibility for any problem they’ve caused.

The Biden Administration has thus pointed the finger at everybody but themselves, and Texas Senator Ted Cruz noted that Democrats want to convince you that economic inflation can be a positive thing.

Appearing on Fox News’s Hannity with host Sean Hannity, Cruz was asked about how easy it would be to solve the energy crisis by discontinuing attempts to get other nations to increase their oil production in order to sell it to us, and just drilling at home. Cruz spoke out about inflation due to the dramatically rising price of oil at the pumps. He listed five lies that the Biden administration had told him in relation to it.

“And so on inflation, the White House had five separate lies in inflation,” began Cruz. “First lie is, it’s not happening. Don’t believe your eyes. There’s no inflation. Second lie is, oh, it’s transitory. Yes, it’s happening but it’s transitory. Just for a moment.”

“The third lie is, it’s a high-class problem,” he continued. “It’s there, but it’s a high-class problem. Aren’t you lucky to have inflation? Their fourth lie was, it’s happening, it’s not transitory, it’s not high class, but it’s a good thing! It’s a sign of how great the economy is that you can’t afford to pay for your groceries or put gas in your car.

“And then lie number five that every Biden apparatchik has repeated is ‘Putin, Putin, Putin.’ They decided politically, let’s blame this train wreck of a Biden energy policy on Vladimir Putin. What do you know? You know what? The gas prices have gone up 48% since Putin invaded Ukraine. As the sticker says on the gas pumps, “I did this.” Joe Biden did this!”

Hannity continued by stating that Biden isn’t “cognitively up for this job” and is in decline, to which Cruz agreed.

Calling it “strange,” Cruz pointed out that Biden’s handlers don’t let him talk to Republican Senators which is “weird.” Moreover, Biden’s done everything to help Russia up to this point, especially the opening of the Nordstream 2, which opened the door wide for Russian President Vladimir Putin to begin his war with Ukraine. Meanwhile, he’s shutting down pipelines here in America, throwing us into the financial trouble we’re in now.

Cruz concluded by stating that trying to speak to Biden about the matter is futile because they won’t see reason. They have something of a “religious conviction” about their hatred of oil drilling at home.

The “religious conviction” that Cruz spoke of is closer to the truth than some may realize. Biden, like many Democrats, has a strange attachment to stopping climate change. However, they do not want to do anything that will make the environment more dangerous. Not only do the countries the Biden administration wants to import our oil from produce far dirtier oil with less refining standards that pollute the Earth, their so-called “green energy” is anything but.

In order to build solar or wind farms, huge areas of land have to be cleared. Materials that can make solar panels and other solar-related products are toxic. Many solar panels pollute the land, while animals are killed in their place. Every year, wind farms kill many millions of birds.

(READ: The Destruction and Expenses of Renewable Energy)

Yet, it is difficult to get Democrats from the Church of Climate Change to see reason.

The best that they can do is to lie about the difficulties they have created and the church they are causing.

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