The leftist newspaper owned by the second richest man in the world is obsessed with smearing his main competitor’s $43 billion Twitter takeover bid. To do this, it was prepared to invest over 17,000 words.
An MRC Business study The Washington Post archives found that the newspaper published at least 15 articles between Musk’s April 14 Twitter announcementHe was criticized by his efforts to make Twitter a place that allows free speech, and he received criticisms on April 17. That’s just four days worth of articles making up news items and op-eds. These articles totaled 17,046 words and all attempted to denigrate Musk. One columnist claimed that if Musk succeeds, “we’re all doomed.” Another bloviated that people like Musk who believe there should be less censorship on social media shouldn’t control Twitter.
Washington Post published a whiny editorial headlined, “Let’s hope Elon Musk doesn’t win his bid for Twitter.” The editorial board cried: “If you can’t join them, buy them. As he launched a hostile bid to acquire Twitter, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk seems to have adopted this philosophy. Let’s hope he doesn’t succeed. The liberal rag even complained about Musk’s perspective that Twitter should be a free speech platform: “The substance of his ideas for the future of Twitter are worth some wariness on their own.” Townhall columnist Derek Hunter perfectly summed up The Post’It’s all hypocrisy at Twitter
Evidently @JeffBezos is envious of @elonmusk. The Editorial Board was ordered to act as a small independent media outlet.
It is clear @JeffBezosPenis envy is a problem when it comes penis @elonmuskAnd the Editorial Board is ordered to act as a small media outlet.
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) April 18, 2022
The Post’s view, “[T]he most encouraging thing Mr. Musk has said about his Twitter ambitions is this: ‘I am not sure that I will actually be able to acquire it.’” The editorial board bluster comes from the same paper that’s controlled by Amazon owner Jeff Bezos, who oversaw Amazon Web Services’ nuke of free speech-oriented platform Parler from the internet in January 2021. But the editorial board’s pontificating just underscored the liberal paper’s rabid efforts to cast Musk as some kind of Bond villain.
Clearest cases emphasize the importance of The Post’s published anti-Musk conniptions came from its team of woke, out-of-touch columnists. Max Boot absurdly argued recently that people who excoriate censorship shouldn’t control public town squares like Twitter. “Anyone who thinks the problem with social media is too much content moderation, rather than too little, should not own one of the most powerful platforms online,” Boot complained.
Sports columnist Candace Buckner had a meltdown April 16 and painted Musk like a Bond villain who would destroy sports: “If Elon Musk, who’s either doing a really good job imitating a Bond movie villain or actually is one, takes over Twitter, then we’re all doomed, even in sports.” [Emphasis added.]
Columnist Eugene Robinson harrumphed that “It’s as though Musk is hoping to annoy Twitter management into giving up its efforts to keep the service from becoming a cesspool of toxic disinformation and vicious personal attacks.”
Another piece by columnist Geoffrey Fowler tried to drag Musk’s track record as a business owner through the mud: “Elon Musk’s road to Twitter is paved with broken promises.” Fowler railed that “Musk says he’ll remake Twitter and save free speech. But his track record is a mix of wild successes and many unfulfilled pledges.”
There was also no news section. An April 14 Post news item touted how “employees have voiced fears that the billionaire could undo some of the company’s efforts to moderate content in favor of free speech.”
The newspaper characterized Musk as a bully: “Many were annoyed at the condescension from Musk, who didn’t seem familiar with Twitter’s inner workings or the company’s road map, and were exhausted by Musk’s shifting plans, during what was supposed to be a week of focus without interruptions.” Another April 14 news item was headlined, “Elon Musk’s Twitter bid frustrates employees. That’s a risk for him.” The story fretted that Musk’s reputation was “emerging as a liability among the social media company’s employees.”
A 16th April item was also published by The Post’s “Technology” section tried to whitewash Twitter censorship as a myth and throw a wrench into the hopes that Musk enact transparency on Twitter. The piece, headlined “Elon Musk wants Twitter’s algorithm to be public. It’s not that simple,” argued that “Conservatives have long claimed discrimination by the social network, but there’s no one algorithm that could prove it, researchers say.” Media Research Center invites The Post to visit for the evidence it pretends doesn’t exist.
It seems The Post Billionaires who own media are only approved if they share its leftist ideologies with its owner.
Conservatives being attacked.For more information, contact The Washington PostCall (202) 334-6000 to report that Elon Musk is the owner of Twitter. He also owns the 2nd richest man on the planet.