Stelter Refuses to Address Hunter’s Laptop, Lets Guest Filibuster

CNN Trustworthy SourcesBrian Stelter received a surprise from his CNN guest commentator and host S.E. Cupp brought up Hunter Biden’s laptop when replying to Stelter complaining that Ginni Thomas’ text messages didn’t get enough news coverage. Stelter was clearly thrown off guard by Cupp’s mention of the laptop controversy.

After debating the controversy surrounding Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife Ginni Thomas’ text messages about the 2020 presidential election, Stelter turned to Cupp: Do you notice an outraged tone in the story this week? Cup While arguing that there is a right to outrage about the text messages, they noted that most people do not agree. “Conservative circles know about Virginia Lamp Thomas’ political views for many decades.”



Cupp also dropped this rhetorical bomb about Stelter 

It’s not difficult to see a similar story, which was ignored and called false repeatedly by the media. This is the Hunter Biden laptop story. Hunter Biden, a relative to a famous person, is like Ginni Thomas, a relative to a powerful and famous person. My Twitter feed is full of blue-check reporters, who instantly believe there’s a connection between Ginni, Clarence, and Hunter. The rush to dismiss Hunter is something that many reporters find difficult to ignore.

Stelter was clearly shocked to see that the subject he and his leftist friends had been working so hard to avoid was brought up on the show. He quickly called Jane Mayer, a New Yorker staff writer to help him address the issue. 

Hunter Biden: Hunter Biden as I understand is being investigated by Justice Department and IRS. We have yet to see Ginni Toms called by January 6th Committee because of the sensitivity around not calling a Supreme Court justice’s spouse.

Cupp swiftly followed Cupp’s giggling: “Yes, the legal interest in Hunter Biden’s story would make it more worthwhile for journalism, I believe.” Stelter replied “to raise it”, Cupp agreed, saying “yeah.” Stelter moved quickly to Judge Katanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearings. 



Stelter never even addressed the substance of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal or apologized for how wrong he was in 2020 when he called the Hunter Biden laptop a “manufactured scandal.” See video from 2020.

It was not a Russian disinformation or fake scandal, but anyone paying close attention to the situation knew this. 

Mercedes-Benz was able to make this biased Stelter reporting possible. You can link their information to let them know what programming you fund. 

Click “expand to view the transcript” 

CNN’s Reliable Sources
Eastern, 11:08:28

BRIAN STELTER – Do you notice an outraged tone this week in the story?

S.E. S.E. In conservative circles, we have known for years about Virginia Lamp Thomas’ political leanings. These conflicts have been, as you know, questioned at every turn, including Sean Hannity, who once asked her question. The outrage over these texts is justified. We should also be asking Clarence Thomas if he knew about the conflict. You don’t need to go far to see a similar story, which was ignored and called false repeatedly by the media. It’s the Hunter Biden laptop case. Hunter Biden, a relative to a famous person, is like Ginni Thomas, a relative to a powerful and famous person. My Twitter feed is full of blue-check reporters, who instantly believe there’s a connection between Ginni, Clarence, and Hunter. It is difficult to overlook the rush by many reporters to disregard hunter.

STELTER: Jane, I’m curious if you had a reaction? 

STELTER – Jane, could you please hear us? 

JANE MAYER : I was asked by you? Sorry about the bad sound.

STELTER: Do you think that there’s more to the Hunter Biden story than what was revealed in this article? 

MAYER: The Hunter Biden story, as I understand it, is Hunter Biden being investigated by both the Justice Department (IRS) and the IRS. We have yet to see the Ginni Thomas called by the Jan 6th committee. This is because Ginni Thomas is sensitive about calling the wife of a Supreme Court justice. Although there is talk about subpoenaing, I believe they have been leaning in the opposite direction to avoid taking action due to the complex issues between the three branches and the desire to not interfere with one. 

CUPP – Yes. But the legal interest in Hunter Biden’s story would make it more compelling for journalists. 

STELTER: To raise it.

CUPP: Yeah. 

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