It’s amazing how much holier-than-thou Democrats can become when it suits their political interests. Last week, the activist media published a series of “bombshell” reports revealing that Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker, a Republican, has kids that he has not publicly discussed. It was obvious to anyone who has a little intelligence that this was an elaborate political plot designed to reduce his chance of winning the Senate election.
However, there’s one problem: No one cares.
That’s right. Nobody buys the handwringing coming from the left about Walker’s children. But they’re trying to make the issue stick anyway.
During the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s event in Nashville, Tennessee last week, the crowd greeted the football legend with thunderous applause even after the revelation hit the airwaves and interwebs. During his onstage conversation with Faith & Freedom founder Ralph Reed, he discussed the manufactured controversy. Reed noted how the “Democrats and the media” were “firing artillery” at Walker, who affirmed that he loves and has never “denied” any of his kids.
“They didn’t do anything but make me want to fight harder, because I’m tired of people misleading the American people,” Walker said. “I’m tired of people misleading my family.”
The candidate then discussed America’s need to become more energy independent and excoriated the left for attempting to “confuse” the public “with racism over here” and the “Build Back Better Plan over here.”
The Daily Beast printed a piece explaining Walker’s second son and Christian Walker, a social media celebrity. The following is an extract from the report
What Walker hasn’t publicly acknowledged is that he has a second son, who has apparently been estranged from his biological father since his birth a decade ago.
The son, whose name The Daily Beast is withholding out of privacy concerns, has grown up more than 1,500 miles from Walker’s Texas home. We are withholding the name of Walker’s mother as privacy concerns. Walker was taken to court by his mother one year after he was born to get a child support and declaration of paternity.
Later, it was revealed that football stars have four children.
Walker made it clear that he is a father to other children, and that he acknowledges them in his statement.
“I have four children. There are three sons and one daughter. They’re not ‘undisclosed’—they’re my kids,” Walker explained. “I support them all and love them all. I’ve never denied my children, I confirmed this when I was appointed to the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition, I just chose not to use them as props to win a political campaign. What parent would want their child involved in garbage, gutter politics like this?”
Paulina Macfoy, a Georgia resident who attended the conference, told Politico that “Jesus Christ will answer” the question regarding what Walker’s issues say about his faith, given that he has repeatedly spoken out against absent fathers. She still believes he is a “good candidate” because he “stands for family.” She referred to the supposed controversy as a “waste of time.”
“He who is without sin, cast the first stone,” she said.
Most are rightly pointing out that this story will not harm the Republican candidate’s chances of winning in November. As it stands currently, RealClearPolitics’ polling has Walker slightly ahead of Warnock and the fact that he is well-loved in Georgia will likely offset any negative publicity coming from this revelation.
However, it’s quite funny that the left seems to pretend that fatherhood is important when their policies and rhetoric have for decades undermined fatherhood. The Daily Beast, or other left-leaning media outlets that support activist media are not interested in Walker’s parenting. They saw this as another political attack to destroy Walker’s campaign. Democrats will be suffering a severe shellacking next November, and so they have done everything they can to limit the political damage. Walker is certainly not guaranteed to win Georgia’s senate seat, but this story is yet another indication that Democrats are terrified that this race will not go their way.