This film Clarence Thomas, In His Own Words was released in 2020, and offered a unique glimpse into Justice Clarence Thomas’ life and judicial philosophy. The legacy media have been smearing Justice Clarence Thomas’ name and using racist stereotypes to poison the water well since his confirmation hearings in 1991. With the assistance of documentary filmmaker Michael Pack, Mark Paoletta decided to dig a new well, one that allowed people to draw their conclusions from Justice Thomas’ own life, words, and writings.
Pack spent 25 hours filming Justice Thomas, and six additional hours with his wife Ginni — a voluminous amount of discourse that was reduced to a two-hour documentary. This left an inordinate amount of information, both about Justice Thomas as a person and his writings and views, unexamined. Paoletta decided that the Justice needed a book.
The book Clarence Thomas, In His Own WordsUploaded on June 21st, just days prior to the landmark Supreme Court decisions New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn. v. Bruen and Dobbs v. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization. Justice Thomas’ influential role as senior justice of the court was brilliantly exhibited in his masterful opinion on Bruen,And his concurrence on Dobbs. Of course, Democrats and the Left used these decisions as an excuse to ramp up their attacks on Thomas’ integrity and fitness. “Uncle Clarence,” trended on Twitter, while white progressives felt emboldened to use the N-Word and other racial slurs against him. The icing on the Left’s insanity cake: Students at George Washington University, where Thomas teaches, attempted to remove him from his adjunct professorship.
None of these attacks have phased Justice Thomas or his commitment to accurately and precisely interpret the law through an originalist’s lens. Through the film and the book, Paoletta showcases Thomas’ indelible weight of jurisprudence, and how he has shaped the intellectual rigor of the Supreme Court for generations. Thomas is the longest serving justice, having served the court 30 years. His opinions are three times more than those of the other 8. But Paoletta speaks most fondly of Justice Thomas’ humanity and humility as the main driver on why his legacy needs to be protected and promoted.
“You know anyone who ever meets Clarence Thomas would know what I’m talking about, that he’s just the most engaging person to anybody in any walk of life.”
I sat down with Paoletta for an hour, and he stated that he is making it his life’s mission to present a true, candid, and unadorned portrait of this consequential jurist.
It’s a fascinating conversation that gives a glimpse not only into Clarence Thomas the United States Supreme Court Justice, but into Clarence Thomas the man and the humanitarian.
WATCHPaoletta discusses Thomas’s first impressions and their friendship:
Find out how Not all created equally was given momentum and why Paoletta describes it as “a labor of love”:
Learn why the nation’s Black “leadership” refuses to embrace Thomas’ wisdom and legacy for the Black community.
WATCH Paoletta shares why Justice Thomas’ legacy media conflict with Paoletta:
Paoletta also encourages Americans (especially Black Americans) to understand the influence Clarence Thomas had on this nation and to look at his legacy and life through new eyes.