According to the latest reports, the Republicans will likely win the House back in the midterms.
Republicans need to turn out in large numbers to ensure that this happens. One of them is to inspect a number of things Joe Biden, the Democrats do including the insane spending and radical leftist agenda.
But there’s another reason. It’s particularly important to Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and should be important to all Americans — that’s to hold Dr. Anthony Fauci accountable, if Paul becomes the Chair of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP). If the Republicans win the Senate, Paul will likely be the chair of this committee.
The senator told his father, Ron Paul, in an interview on Ron Paul’s “Liberty Report” that Fauci would be a “huge issue” in the election.
Sen. Paul said:
[I]If I am elected in 2022 I will become the chairman of a Senate committee. To obtain all records, we will make use of the subpoena power. Right now they send us records — if we ask about their discussions, covering up where the virus came from, its origins in the lab — they white it all out, they redact all the information and send us a blank piece of paper and they won’t tell us about their conversations. We’ll get to the root of everything.”
It would also be useful because it could address the myths surrounding gain-of-function research.
Here is the complete interview.
Paul predicted that if Republicans win, Fauci would retire and that would be the “best thing right there for the country because he’s been so damaging.”
“All these blue state governors listen to him and think that it’s science to close a restaurant at 10 o’clock at night or to say that we have to have 25 percent of patrons. There’s no evidence that any of the mitigation, any of the rules, and mandates changed the trajectory of the virus at all.”
Paul argued that Fauci has wrongly downplayed natural immunity and de-emphasized therapeutics, a position that he says may have been responsible for deaths, “I would venture to say thousands of people die in our country every month now from COVID because he’s de-emphasized the idea that there are therapeutics.”
For a lot of folks on the right, Paul’s promise would certainly be an incentive to get a lot of people out to vote. We’ve already seen that Paul isn’t afraid to bring the goods, call Fauci on the carpet, and demand answers. He could obtain more information if he had the power to overthrow a committee as well as the ability subpoena records. It is possible that there will be some effort made to see China. Fauci has declared that he is “science” and that questioning him is questioning science. There are few things more anti-science than this. Science isn’t about fealty to the narrative but about proving and testing theories and always being open to questions. Paul has pointed out the “absolute hubris” of Fauci’s claim.
It is a complete blunder to claim THEY are science. It’s astounding and alarming that a public health bureaucrat would even think to claim such a thing, especially one who has worked so hard to ignore the science of natural immunity.
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) November 28, 2021
The GOP wins promise interesting hearings.
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