Ralph Northam Goes Full Terry McAuliffe When Asked About I-95 Fiasco, Gets Debunked by Weatherman – Opinion

Yesterday we reported on how Gov. Ralph Northam (D) moonwalked his foot into his mouth on the issue of “what went wrong” in the I-95 fiasco this week that saw thousands of drivers stranded in freezing temperatures along a roughly 90-mile stretch of the interstate in Virginia, with some – including Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine – being stuck for over 24 hours.

Let’s quickly summarize: Northam decided that instead of accepting any responsibility, it was a better idea to blame drivers. This comment was first published by The Washington Post.

Northam reported that state police and transportation officials used the airwaves to track progress as highway traffic cameras became dark due to power outages. Northam expressed sympathy for motorists who were left behind, but he said that more people should have heard the warnings not to drive on roads.

“We gave warnings, and people need to pay attention to these warnings, and the less people that are on the highways when these storms hit, the better,” he said. “I feel for these people that are stranded but just want to let them know we’re doing everything we can to get to them in a very challenging situation.”

It was a very tone-deaf comment to make considering the state’s notification failures, what the Virginia Dept. of Transportation did and did not do in advance of the storm, the years of corruption within the department, as well as their botched handling of other situational things as the crisis unfolded – not to mention the fact that Northam himself was MIA up until Tuesday as drivers remained stuck.

Virginians were disappointed when Northam doubled the comments today. He decided to do Terry McAuliffe’s impressions during an interview for WRVA.

Northam disagreed with the description of the response as “what went wrong”, saying [he’s] “sick and tired” of talking about it in those terms.


Northam believes people need to say thank you for those who risked their lives to reach people. Northam also wondered why fewer questions weren’t being asked about those driving during the storm or its aftermath. Northam has received criticism for the state’s response, with numerous people, including incoming House Speaker Todd Gilbert (R-Shenandoah), wondering why the National Guard wasn’t called.

Here’s a more full quote from Northam:

Below is a partial excerpt from the interview. Here are more clips from this contentious exchange:

Northam, the VDOT and other officials have offered another excuse for what happened this week to deal with the backlash. They claim that although they were well aware of the coming storm, they didn’t realize it would cause as much damage as they thought.

During a segment on the issue yesterday, HLN meteorologist Bob Van Dillen went off on Northam and others for making the claim, calling them “jackasses” and saying “shut up” and “it pisses me off” because he and other weather forecasters had indeed been predicting days in advance as to the type of storm the area got.


Jersey’s dude is right. They are not the only ones.

There is still time for Gov. Blackface is heading for the exits. Good riddance.

Related:Winsome Sears is the Virginia Lieutenant-Governor-Elect and shares some wisdom just a few weeks before Inauguration Day

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