Professor Makes Students Record Themselves Confronting Racists, Homophobes or Ableists – Opinion

The world of school has certainly changed. This is evident in the report on a recent college assignment.

At the University of New Hampshire, they’re trying to make the world a better place. That’s the reason, presumably, for an alleged assignment last summer in an “Introduction to Language and Social Interaction” course.

Campus Reform has purportedly obtained screenshots of a professor’s order for students to find someone and accuse them of a racist act.

There are other crimes that you can choose from:

The victim of such sinisterness must be “a person of color,” “LGBTQI+,” or “a disabled person.”

The proof of the event is required. Students are expected to record confrontations.

If I properly understand, participants should open with something like, “Hi. Would you allow me to record my accusation of racism? I would very much appreciate it, racist.”

Once you’ve thoroughly thrashed them for being evil, you’ll need to ask again:

You must…record calling them in, in order to get credit. You must ask for permission before recording the call. Also, make sure to check with your professor that you are satisfied that you can hear them.

Privacy will still be protected, thankfully.

Clarify that audio or names won’t be shared with the class (ensure you includes [sic]The permission section in your recording.

Do not submit a transcript without audio. This will lead to suspicions of academic dishonesty. If your audio is not working properly, contact me immediately before you submit.

It’d sure be a shame for the recording to get messed up, but audio might be the least of partakers’ troubles.

It would be a great way to beat up my family, where I’m from. It seems the teacher is forcing students to engage in something akin to “punch a Nazi.”

Is the assignment possible to be sued for placing young people at risk?

Not to worry — the instructor adds, “Do so in a safe way.”

And social media doesn’t count:

It is not allowed to call someone for something that they post on Facebook.

We’re living in strange times. Virtue signaling, also known as substance signaling, is all the rage.

Not long ago, virtue was determined by character, manifested by meaningful ways in which one lived one’s life. These days, it appears, it’s all about who you insult and posture as being better than.

Find out more from this assignment

Discuss the following in your analysis

  • Is it possible that some of their statements implied something negative about certain groups of people? Was what they said a microaggression or flat-out racist/sexist/homophobic?
  • What does the structure of inequality look like based on the readings?

To ensure students don’t do something foolish, the teacher preemptively calls These are them out:

Don’t be racist, homophobic or sexist in your examples [sic]. You will get zero if you’re honest. [sic]This assignment is final and you won’t be allowed to make a new start.

A new iteration of the assignment — for fall — is featured on UNH’s website.

A screencap of something comparable was posted by Twitter user Libs of Tik Tok Wednesday

Per the Post Millennial, the assignment’s worth ten percent of students’ final grade.

You may have noticed sexism didn’t make the list of options as provided by Campus Reform. The omission was purposeful:

Please do not use gender as the inequality, due to the problematic history of the lack of intersectionality in gender analysis we need to stick with the list… I encourage conversations with avid feminists (of which I am one) about this topic to learn more about the Black Queer Feminist literature which informs this choice.

Yes; please don’t.



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