Professor Gets Mad After People Notice Rather Significant Error About Rittenhouse in Her Book – Opinion

Kyle Rittenhouse. Here’s another one to add to that list of “media accountability” that you are no doubt compiling for potential legal action. Rittenhouse said in December that “accountability is coming.”

We’ve seen a lot of media malpractice regarding the Rittenhouse case, but this one is bad.

UCLA professor and author Kara Cooney released a book in November called “The Good Kings” which is supposed to be about Egypt. She includes, however, a section about Kyle Rittenhouse.

In the book, she says, “[C]onsider 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who used his semi-automatic weapon to kill two Black men in Kenosha, Wisconsin, while waging a glorious race war on behalf of his inherited White power.”

Alrighty, now. So you can tell that the book isn’t just about Egypt but it’s trying to make political points. This falsehood was spread by the liberal media, which had no regard for factual information in Rittenhouse’s case. So let’s walk through it. She uses “semi-automatic” as though that means something fearful and not just that it’s a normal gun. Rittenhouse didn’t kill black men, the people he killed, as well as his third victim, were all white. Rittenhouse was not engaging in race war, nor did he intend to. On November 19, 2021, he was not found guilty.

We’re not just talking about a random dumb tweet on the internet, this was put in a book. What is the secret to getting this past editors? And that’s what’s most concerning — that even in such a well-publicized case, you still have people who are just so clueless as to the facts including this professor and her editors. That’s how deep the media propaganda and misleading information has been on this case. What does this say about her research skills for the book? This is not a glowing recommendation of the book’s validity.

Cooney was criticised for her actions. Cooney’s reaction was so liberal.

“On p. 341 of THE GOOD KINGS I state that Kyle Rittenhouse shot two Black men when instead he shot two white men,” Cooney wrote on Twitter Wednesday. “That was my mistake, and I apologize. The response has been a hateful stew of ridicule and denial that America has a race problem at all.” [….]

“If one mistake in a little known book about ancient Egypt elicits this much howling, it is to avoid discussing our larger problem, to avoid seeing our deep-seeded obsession with patriarchal power,” Cooney wrote. “So yeah, tiny detail of the book with a big mistake about a massive American issue. And that’s on me. However, white supremacy remains a problem. And the misogyny is still a problem.”

Translation? Even though I’m wrong, I’m still right! She should have stopped with “I apologize.” I’m not sure what the patriarchy or misogyny has to do with her getting basic facts correct in a book. Also, I think it’s “deep-seated” not deep-seeded.” But that’s being persnickety. Is she including Rittenhouse in her book? It is important that she has the right facts in order to be able to add it. She is not only revealing a lot about herself, it also reveals a lot about National Geographic. Was this what they were thinking?

That wasn’t the only glaring issue in the book. She also reportedly claimed in the book that “Rosa Parks took a seat in the White section of a public bus and started the Montgomery bus boycott.” Except that isn’t what happened, Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person after the white section had filled up.

This book is accurate.

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