Professional Sports and COVID Are Not Playing Nice Together – Opinion

We sometimes succumb to nostalgic feelings for past times at our sports desk, which is located beneath the decks on the Good Pirate Ship RedState. You may recall the tale of Aaron Rodgers being criticized by his grandmother for contracting COVID while trusting homeopathy resistance treatments. Now, we can’t see the top of our desk due to news items regarding the multiple COVID cases breaking out across all three of the four major sports currently in season. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Calgary Flames has had to postpone four games due to positive testing by multiple players and coaches.
  • As it handles a number of cases that have left players and coaches out, the NBA may return to daily testing. Chicago Bulls has had to postpone two of its games.

These stories are missing the fuss about vaccination status. Every player in the NHL is immunized. A near 95% vaccine rate is reported by the NFL among its players, and close to 100% for team personnel. A near 97% rate of vaccination is recorded in the NBA. All of this amply demonstrates that the vaccines are 100% safe and efficient, except when they’re not.

This is made more interesting by the fact that both players and team staff are frequently positive for COVID. remain asymptomatic. Natural immunity to such will undoubtedly do more than just treating anyone who gets swabbed south by Typhoid Mary. But what can we do?

All of this points out a disturbing truth about COVID. The vaccines aren’t doing a very good job. Bullwinkle is able to pull a rabbit from a hat better than anyone else. Insisting that all it’ll take is another booster shot, followed by yet another booster shot and then another, isn’t trusting the science. It’s insanity’s definition personified.

Also, the available COVID tests aren’t much better than the vaccines. Case in point: LeBron James recently missed a game due to testing positive … even though he immediately tested negative. While this is not directly related to James, it does highlight another unpleasant truth. People should be concerned about the increasing popularity of sports betting in major sports. The introduction of manipulated COVID test results as a possible way to influence game outcome outcomes should cause concern. “Hey, we’re sorry, quarterback of a team playing in the Super Bowl tomorrow — you can’t be there.” Twenty-four hours later: “Oh, wait, false positive not ‘discovered’ until after the game? Oopsies.”

The COVID outbreak in sports should spark critical thinking regarding how and why the current approach to confronting the virus isn’t getting the job done. However, we at the sports desk located somewhere below the decks of the Good Pirate Ship RedState have complete confidence that it won’t. Even as we were told in the early 1970s that love means never having to say you’re sorry, so does being a public official reacting to a health issue.

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