Post-Roe Florida Follows Its Laws, Yet the Death Merchants Still Have Conniption Fits – Opinion

Florida was like other red states and prepared its laws in anticipation of the consequences.Roe world. In this instance, a 16 year-old girl who was 10 weeks pregnant is being tested to see if those laws can be applied in an attempt at abortion.

From NBC News

A pregnant and parentless 16-year-old in Florida may be forced to give birth after an appeals court ruled she was not “sufficiently mature to decide whether to terminate her pregnancy.”

The teenager, who is identified in court papers as Jane Doe 22-B, was appealing a decision by Circuit Judge Jennifer Frydrychowicz on Aug. 10 that blocked her from having an abortion without the consent of a parent or guardian, as required by Florida law.

According to court documents, she was only 10 weeks pregnant at the time.

But the three-judge panel of the state’s 1st District Court of Appeal, which covers northern Florida, sided Monday, for the most part, with Frydrychowicz.

The teenager “had not established by clear and convincing evidence that she was sufficiently mature to decide whether to terminate her pregnancy,” the ruling by Judges Harvey Jay, Rachel Nordby and Scott Makar, states. “Having reviewed the record, we affirm the trial court’s decision under the deferential standard of appellate review set out (in the consent law).”

There’s lots of weeping and gnashing of teeth going on by the death merchants, their allies, and stupid people who do not understand states’ rights, especially because the states are not upholding the right to kill your baby at any age, for any reason.

News Flash: DobbsSupreme Court ruling that has been overturned Roe v. Wade took the lawmaking on abortion out of the federal government’s hands and placed it back into the states’ hands. The United States does not have anything to do with this, however, Florida definitely has.

Florida voters approved a constitutional amendment in 2004 that cleared the way for the state Legislature to pass a law requiring that parents or guardians be notified before minors have abortions.

But because some minors faced possible abuse if their parents found out they’re pregnant, Florida lawmakers also included a legal process that made it possible for them to go to court to get around the rules.

Next, in June 2020 Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is also a Republican, signed SB 404, legislation which requires written consent from a minor’s parent or legal guardian for an abortion.

Jane Doe 22-B was a ward by the state and had been named a legal guardian according to the same NBC News article.

The “guardian is fine with what [she] wants to do” the teenager claimed, according to [Judge Scott] Makar.

So, why doesn’t the appointed guardian just write a letter affirming this? According to Florida law, that’s all that would be required for Jane Doe 22-B to obtain the abortion she purportedly wants.

Scott Makar (the only judge who is not on the panel of First District Court of Appeals judges) is equally curious.

Scott Makar, states. “Having reviewed the record, we affirm the trial court’s decision under the deferential standard of appellate review set out (in the consent law).”

Makar disagreed with the judges and wrote that Frydrychowicz, the appeals court, should send the case back for consideration.

“The trial judge apparently sees this matter as a very close call, finding that the minor was ‘credible,’ ‘open’ with the judge, and nonevasive,” Makar wrote. “The trial judge must have been contemplating that the minor — who was 10 weeks pregnant at the time — would potentially be returning before long — given the statutory time constraints at play — to shore up any lingering doubt the trial court harbored.”

Makar noted that the teenager is “parentless,” lives with a relative, but also has an appointed guardian. She was also savvy enough to do Google searches “to gain an understanding about her medical options and their consequences.”

So once again, why doesn’t the relative or the appointed guardian sign a letter stating they are giving Jane Doe 22-B permission to obtain the abortion? Why aren’t people asking or looking for the answers to this question in legacy media?

The Miami Herald gives a bit more information, but is also as clueless as NBC News on Jane Doe 22-B’s state of mind, and what factors may have caused her to seek the reversal of Judge Frydrychowicz’s decision:

Because the records of Jane’s case appear to be sealed, little is known about the girl, who is just shy of her 17th birthday. The appeals court decision said “she is pursuing a GED with involvement in a program designed to assist young women who have experienced trauma in their lives by providing educational support and counseling.” Complicating the ordeal, the order said, was the recent death of one of Jane’s friends.

This reveals a much more complex web of issues than the legacy media. Jane Doe22-B and Jennifer Frydrychowicz know all the details, but they don’t have the right to make the final decision.

In reading the First District Court panel’s decision, it states clearly that according to the parameters of the law concerning “nonadversarial proceedings,” any overturn of a judicial decision has to be based on Judge Frydrychowicz’s abuse of her discretionary power, and not on any weight of evidence one way or another.

On the basis of the presentation that wasn’t adversarial below, it was concluded that Appellant did not provide sufficient evidence to prove that she is mature enough to make a decision about whether or not to terminate her pregnancy. Having reviewed the record, we affirm the trial court’s decision under the deferential standard of appellate review set out in the governing statute. § 390.01114(6)(b)2., Fla. Stat. (2022) (“The reason for overturning a ruling on appeal must be based on abuse of discretion by the court and may not be based on the weight of the evidence presented to the circuit court since the proceeding is a nonadversarial proceeding.”).

The entire panel chose to side with Frydrychowicz’s original ruling. The panel can request a remand to the trial court in order for additional guidance or boundaries regarding the ruling. It was stated by two panel judges:

Although section 390.01114 permits remands to the trial court with directions for a second ruling, we do not believe that such a remand would be warranted. Id.

Judge Makar submitted a partial dissension, asking that the remand request be taken into consideration.

In a separate opinion, Judge Scott Makar wrote that “reading between the lines, it appears that the trial court wanted to give the minor, who was under extra stress due to a friend’s death, additional time to express a keener understanding of the consequences of terminating a pregnancy.” “This makes some sense given that the minor, at least at one point, says she was open to having a child, but later changed her view after considering her inability to care for a child in her current station in life,” Makar added.

Jane Doe 22B, first indicated that she was open for the baby to Frydrychowicz. However, she later changed her mind. This could have been interpreted to mean that Jane Doe 22-B was not ready for the consequences of an unplanned pregnancy. Makar, however, disagreed.

Makar also noted that in her petition, which “she completed by hand,” the teenager insisted “she is sufficiently mature to make the decision, saying she ‘is not ready to have a baby,’ she doesn’t have a job, she is ‘still in school,’ and the father is unable to assist her.”

Did you know that a 10-year-old Ohio victim of rape was brought across state boundaries to Indiana for an abortion? This was a case study for activists and death merchants. RoeThis was finally overturned and reveals how both the Right-leaning and anti-abortionists just want to enslave, burden and oppress women.

After proper investigation and questioning by our sister site PJ Media and others, it was discovered that the rapist of the 10-year-old was the mother’s 27-year-old illegal alien boyfriend, and the facts of the case did not line up with the legacy media outcry or the Indiana abortion doctor’s report. There was definitely lawbreaking that occurred—mostly by the mother and the abortion doctor—but the case had nothing to do with the young girl’s inability to get an abortion in Ohio.

Was that little girl ever found? Is her mother still alive? What has happened to the rapist, too? It is common for the Left and complicit media to quickly forget a narrative that does not fit their agenda.

The case of Jane Doe 22B is far more complicated than what the Left would like to see. From my perspective, it’s a back-door attempt to use this case to erode SB 404 and the Florida Constitutional amendment protecting parental rights and consent, as well as upholding life.

Of course, it’s all Ron DeSantis’ fault.

“Thanks to Ron DeSantis, Florida is now forcing a teenager to give birth against her will,” Florida Democratic Party spokesman Travis Reuther said in a statement. “That is an appalling and dangerous overreach by the Governor, who claims to represent the ‘free state of Florida,’ but wants to make women’s healthcare decisions for them.”

Florida law, Travis. As a lawmaker, if you don’t like it, then work to change it.

NBC News reached Out to DeSantis For a Response.

Florida had already been deprived of abortion rights before Roe V. Wade was overturned in June by the Supreme Court. In April, DeSantis signed into law a measure banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, a measure that is being challenged in court.

So, it sounds like the clock is still ticking for Jane Doe 22-B, particularly since the last court challenge to Florida’s 15-week abortion ban was denied, and is in place while it winds up to the Florida Supreme Court.

This law was passed by Florida Legislature and signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, April banned all Abortion after the 15th week of pregnancy. Women who are pregnant can still receive an Abortion if their health iS threatened or if their baby has a “fatal fetal abnormality.” A pregnant woman is also required to wait 24 hours after a doctor’s visit to get an Abortion.

Both pro-life activists and abortion advocates will be closely following the case’s outcome.

My amazement is that even though I believe guns shouldn’t belong to anyone under 21, the same people demanding abortion rights for 16-year-olds and access to puberty blocks without parental consent for three year-olds always make me wonder.

Jane Doe 22-B is in a difficult situation because of her schizophrenia.

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