I recently sat down with journalist, talk radio host, and PJ Media columnist Victoria Taft, a Salem Media colleague of mine, on her “Adult in the Room” podcast to talk at length about the controversy surrounding the Washington Post’s blatant attempt at canceling the popular “Libs of TikTok” Twitter account, something that was spearheaded by “technology reporter” Taylor Lorenz, who has a troubling history of trying to have her cake and eat it, too when it comes to the online harassment of the social media users she targets, many of who are private citizens.
Thankfully, the WaPo’s effort has backfired, and LoTT is getting the last laugh, but unfortunately, this won’t be the end of cancel culture. Continue the fight.
Click below to hear the segment. It starts around 20 minutes.
Thank you so much for joining us!
Related: Salem Radio’s Mike Gallagher Interviews ST on Cancel Culture, Media Talk, and America ‘Waking Up’