Peter Strzok’s Latest Response to Trump Shows Why the FBI Has Such Problems – Opinion

We’ve written about a lot of problems with the FBI raid on President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, including that the warrant was overly broad and allowed them to grab anything that was created during his presidential term. That’s hardly narrow and specific as a warrant is supposed to be. It could raise a possible legal concern. This is a fishing expedition.

We also noted that the FBI took his passports and other items outside the purview of the warrant. He is getting them back, but they took his passports.

Reports suggest that they may also have taken information that was subject to attorney-client privilege or executive privilege. This raises concerns over Trump’s fishing trip and the potential negative impact it might have on him.

Guess what MSNBC pulled from the dumpster to offer its opinion on integrity of FBI agents? Peter Strzok, a disgraced former FBI agent was fired. “The FBI makes mistakes,” host Joe Scarborough claimed as an excuse for the Russia hoax.

Um, Joe? Kevin Clinesmith (an FBI lawyer) filed a false declaration with the FISA Court in order to obtain a warrant for the Trump team. But yeah, “mistake.”

But there was Strzok, saying Americans should “trust what the FBI is doing.” He cites what the FBI did during the Hillary Clinton investigation and said that “it’s not like the FBI is targeting one side or the other.” According to him they’re just “objectively investigating allegations of law.” Even as he says that, he attacks the “right-wing” for pushing a “one-sided narrative.”

He must have been laughing. Hillary Clinton’s example is an excellent example of the one-sided nature of it all. Although she created a server private to hide government scrutiny, was in possession of highly classified information, destroyed emails, and had evidence on it, Hillary Clinton never received a raid and was given a full pass. Strzok, however, should start to be truthful now.

Exactly why should we trust the FBI, given everything we’ve seen over the last six years since the Hillary Clinton decision by James Comey and the Russia collusion hoax that she helped pay for? Let’s remember: Strzok is the same guy who tweeted that they were not going to let Trump win.

Then there’s the “insurance policy” text.

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office that there’s no way he gets elected but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

Trump made a tweet regarding passports. Guess who responded with yet another example of bias? Yep, Peter Strzok.

It’s so slimy! So “objective,” right? People on the right would agree that it was objective, given that this idiot claimed it, regardless of his past. He’s throwing out ridiculous Russia allegations, even after getting fired. But these are the kind of people who were in charge of the FBI, and this is why there’s a huge problem. And they wonder why people don’t trust them.

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