Oops: Antifa Accidentally Attacks Pro-Abortion Center During Riots

The left’s rage about the inability to murder children is such that they have begun to attack their own. The leftist militant groups are willing to burn and destroy anything that stands in their way, even if the building’s on their side! 

According to the Post Millenial, an Antifa group in Portland, Oregon attacked a center for pro-abortion pregnancies during a night of rage. 

Fox and Friends interviewed Maura white, Executive Director at the Mother and Child Education Center and prochoice liberal democrat. White said the militants attacked her center in June 25.  Pro-abortion barbarians thought her center was anti abortion and attacked it without second thoughts. “The violence was horrible,” White said. “My organization, we are nonprofit, and we help moms, families, kids in need, babies from zero to 5 years old. We are just here to help. 

people. The mistake was that they thought we were anti-abortion activists. 

According to NY Post, the total cost of the damage is at least $10,000, with the clinic’s window destroyed and spray-painted leftist slogans on the property. 

“The violence was horrible.”

Portland’s pregnancy resource charity was destroyed by #AntifaTheir Saturday night riot was not actually anti-abortion. Executive director @MomChildPDXPro-choice Liberal. https://t.co/zbXcOMUV4I

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) June 27, 2022

The group then terrorized large swathes of Northeast Portland. The Portland Police Bureau reports that the attackers attacked a cafeteria, bakery, Telsa and two other banks as well as a bus carrying a school class. Antifa left behind its signature anarchist symbol and slogans, “F*ck SCOTUS’, “Death To SCOTUS,” “Abolish public schools,” “BLM,” and “AFA (Anti-Fascist Action).” It Looks like Antifa showed how “mythical” they are. 

Portland is the epicenter for leftist violence since it gave in to the mob by defunding its police department. Because of a shortage in resources, Portland’s response was severely restricted by police officers. Officers had been monitoring the crowd but didn’t have the resources to respond immediately. There was an assault and stabbing and injury in East Precinct at the same time. In North Precinct, there was a community festival. A spontaneous “dance party”, which drew about 1000 people to Irving Park and held a march that blocked traffic, was taking place. PPB stated that there were calls regarding speed racers performing stunts in different parts of Portland. These militants were not arrested by the police.

This group of deranged left-wing terrorists holds no standard and can destroy anything in their temper tantrums. The tolerant left is in for a rude awakening.

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