Noted Legal Scholar Calls Opposition to CRT a ‘Battle for National Survival’ – Opinion

Critical Race Theory. Anti-racism. Diversity. Equity. Inclusion. Emotional or social learning. You can call it what you want, according to a prominent legal scholar. One common danger is an obsession with race, according to the scholar.

According to Cornell Law School professor William A. Jacobson, “the fight against Critical Race Theory is nothing less than a battle for national survival.” As reported by The Carolina Journal, Jacobson made the “national survival” observation during a recent talk in which he explored the historical roots of CRT, its growing presence in academia and K-12 education, and most importantly, what to do to combat it.

Jacobson asked in reference to advocates of CRT:

You could take this country down, but what would your plan be?

Great question. I often wonder what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who famously admonished a racially troubled America: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character,” would think about a radical racist philosophy that seeks to turn on its head everything he fought and eventually died for.

Jacobson continues, as transcribed by The Carolina Journal

That’s why it’s a fight for national survival. [CRT]This is creating a hostile environment for people based on their skin color and race. It’s setting students against each other, students against teachers. It’s setting students against their country.

The noted legal scholar talked of his experiences at Harvard Law School in the early 1980s, when, he said, the push to begin identifying people “by ethnic and racial groups as opposed to individual” began to take hold. Jacobson stated that the more moderate students went on to business law. Students who were more radical in their studies of critical legal theory went into academia.

Here it is. Today, the academic halls are no longer dominated by the radical students of late 60s, 70s, 80s. Let’s call them leftist elitists. These elitists then began to target— let’s call them You are a useful idiotIt’s everywhere, including politicians and media people and left-leaning pundits to Hollywood and, unfortunately, even professional athletes. Why?

Because the useful idiots are far more plentiful than the leftist elitists and have a greater ability to exploit and pander to far more— let’s call them willfully low-information voters. The low-information voters, of course, after becoming sufficiently programmed, dutifully (and mindlessly) line up in every election and vote for the “right” (far-left) candidates and support the “right” (so-called “progressive”) issues.

Jacobson said most of America was “asleep at the wheel” while the radical leftists began to develop CRT:

Over 30 years, they began developing theories that led to Critical Race Theory. The rest of us, however were still asleep at the wheel.

“It is truly astounding how deeply this highly racialized view of the world,” he said, that “this highly racialized view of academics, this highly racialized view of mandatory activism and mandatory training, has become, adding: “It’s not every place, and it’s called different things at different places, but it’s almost everywhere.”

This is an alarming thought. Yet, I get messages from parents on a fairly regular basis who are flabbergasted when CRT ideology begins to creep into their kids’ schools. What’s the surprise? It’s past timeParents, get involved.

But, as Jacobson noted, “I can’t think of a single good thing that has been accomplished on the campuses from this obsession with race.”

Everybody in this room supports racism, I believe. Everyone should be treated the same. Equality is your goal. What’s going on in campus is the opposite of that is.

It’s stratifying people. It is teaching people that they can’t speak up for fear of being called racist, which can end your career, or the false accusation can end your career. It is a bullying tactic that forces people to remain silent.

How can we combat CRT? What can be done to combat CRT in daily life? He suggests that we shine light on CRT, regardless of its name, wherever it may be.

“When people find out about it, there is pushback, the professor said. “And what frightens the people who are advocating this, who are funding this, is that the push back is multiracial, multi-ethnic, and cuts across party lines.”

And, counter to the demands we’ve seen from various irate parents at various school board meetings across the country — Loudoun County, Virginia, comes to mind — “the pressure should not be to fire somebody or ban something.” advised Jacobson.

It is important to make the campus more accessible. There should be pressure to promote a culture of tolerance on campus. It is necessary to establish a culture of respect on campuses.

I appreciate Jacobson’s recommendation to pressure academic institutions to “create a campus atmosphere where alternative views can be heard,” but let’s be honest: the radical left is no longer going to allow that to happen. To see the proof, one only has to consider violent examples. Recent examples include the histrionic, leftist meltdown after the downfall of Roe V. Wade

While Jacobson was spot-on with his observation that opponents of CRT and other radical-leftist indoctrination have been “bullied into silence,” I do believe, as has been the case with Loudoun County and several other schools systems, that continuing to call these people out for what They are — and most importantly for what they are attempting to do to America’s children — remains a critical component of fighting CRT and other destructive radicalism at every turn.

You must do it in groups; larger numbers have bigger voices.

That reality is very well known by the left. The left must also be cognizant of this reality.

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