Not Their Finest Hour: RAF Skipping White Guys to Fill Diversity Quota?

All things are stupid, even in Britain. Orwellian home seems to feel that this distinction comes with the responsibility of being particularly Orwellian. Thus we have spectacles like the Hampshire Constabulary handcuffing a freeborn Englishman for “causing anxiety” in a Facebook post.

The Daily Mail reports that the Royal Air Force has placed a freeze on hiring white male recruits, until it reaches its FY13 minority hiring quota. The Mail and other sources are saying that the RAF’s head of recruiting – a female officer –  has resigned in protest of the policy, though her name has not been made public.

Apparently, the women/minority recruiting targets are “impossible.”

“We are all really pro-diversity and we want to see better representation across the services but … levels of ambition for ethnic targets … are absolutely crazy,” one source said.

These levels of ambition are not supported by any scientific or cultural knowledge.

The RAF denies the white male freeze, saying through a spokesperson, “There is no pause in Royal Air Force recruitment and no new policy with regards to meeting in-year recruitment requirements.”

Let’s hope that’s true, and let’s hope there’s more honor and professionalism left in the RAF than there is in the public school blob in Minneapolis. There, a widely-reported  agreement between the school district and the teachers’ union “stipulates that White teachers will be laid off before teachers of color, regardless of their seniority.”

The truth is that things are really dumb everywhere.


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