Man, oh man. Florida would rather spare two of their children’s lives? What dare they?
Florida’s appeals court held June 15 that 16-year old female must continue her pregnancy until it is full. Without parental consent, she cannot have an abortion. Baby killing fans baby killing enthusiast soiled themselves via Twitter.
Escambia, FL judge, Jessica Frydrychowicz, reportedly blocked the teen’s abortion request claiming that she had “not established by clear and convincing evidence that she was sufficiently mature to decide whether to terminate her pregnancy.”
Could we ask the judge to also rule on gender affirmation surgery, since sixteen-year-olds shouldn’t be allowed to choose to sterilize their bodies?
The “parentless” teenager was, however, enrolled in an intervention program for young troubled women. Recently she lost a friend. Soon after, she requested an abortion. These events were one reason why the court considered her too young to take such a major life-altering decision.
Micaiah Bilger of LifeNews pointed out how valuable this pregnancy is, especially for the preborn baby.
According to reports, the girl was only 10 weeks old when she first appeared before the judge. We don’t know how old that was or where she is now in her pregnancy. Florida law bans abortions of unborn infants within 15 weeks.
Unborn babies have already developed brainwaves, finger and thumb muscles, beating hearts, and fingers at 10 weeks. Their unique fingerprints are already forming and responding to touch.
The life of an innocent baby should not be ended, no matter what the appearance was in the womb. That’s why parental consent is necessary for minors to make such a life altering decision.
Bilger pointed out that parental consent laws aim to prevent “minors from making hasty and dangerous decisions” thence why it’s required in order to get a tattoo or piercing but unsurprisingly, abortion activists want to make abortion, the most severe of these decisions, up to only the minor in question.
Hence why Twitter lefties pitched a fit when they found out that the infant’s life would be spared.
“No Lie” podcast host, who spews nothing but lies, claimed that Florida court is “forcing” the girl to have the baby.
Mark Joesph Stern of Slate, also agreed.
Florida’s appeals court upholds an order that prohibits a 16-year old parentless girl from ending her pregnancy. She argues she hasn’t proved herself mature enough to have an abortion. She will be forced to have children by the state.
— Mark Joseph Stern (@mjs_DC) August 16, 2022
Lawyer Max Kennedy called the situation “procedural sophistry to mask cruelty.” He failed to recognize that abortion, in and of itself, is a perfect manifestation of cruelty.
An account called “The Rep Project” who aims to challenge gender stereotypes called the ruling “illogical” as it is “about control and subjugation.”
And finally, “GOOD,” an account that aims to help users understand the world to “improve it” alluded to the idea of denying laws.
Lefties are going to use any emotional pull that is in arm’s reach to make you feel bad for the teen who’s in an unplanned pregnancy. Regardless of extenuating circumstances, the child has way more options than an abortion which is what the Florida court pointed out with its ruling, the left however, doesn’t want her or anyone else to know that.