Not Going Away: NY Post’s Nelson Irks Psaki by Daring to Ask About Corrupt Hunter Biden

Tuesday saw a return of The Psaki Show and, without Fox’s Peter Doocy and questions from Real Clear Politics’s Philip WegmannJen Psaki, Press Secretary for the United States of America had to be pushed to their limits. Jen Psaki was able to do that thanks to her team. New York Post’s Steven Nelson, who questions about the ever-corrupt Hunter Biden and allegations that President Biden owes back taxes.

Nelson started by raising one of his children. Post’s latest pieces of excellent reporting which “said on Friday that the First Son had sold five prints of his artworks for $75,000 each and that a team of lawyers is reviewing the prospective buyers who are going to be allowed into an upcoming New York show.”

He said that this was a good thing. “seems to suggest a departure from the White House-brokered agreement where the purchasers would be anonymous.”

Nelson then asked his question. “I was hoping you could say, the White House knows who purchased the five prints and whether there is indeed a departure to the arrangement, that there would be anonymity here.”

Psaki wasn’t amused by yet another Hunter question (and just six days after Last one from CBS News Radio’s Steven Portnoy), so she dismissed it as Nelson’s “favorite topic” before peddling the pathetic spin that Hunter’s art remains in “the purview of the gallerist” and no one else will know other than said gallerist “who purchases any” of his artwork.

Before moving on, Psaki reiterated a line about Hunter that makes it seem like he’s a kindergartner and not a 51-year-old man: “[T]he President remains proud of his son.”

Nelson did not get to ask about it. PostStory Get involved Hunter’s art deal having received a $350,000 Small Business Administration (SBA) loan during the throes of the coronavirus pandemic which, unsurprisingly, has yet to be mentioned by the major broadcast networks.

Nelson started to speak, but Psaki wanted to know whether he had any other Hunter-related questions because, if so, “we’re going to move on to some other topics” since there’s “[l]ots going on in the world.”

Nelson said he had a different topic, so Psaki allowed him to proceed with an extremely long question about the President and back taxes (click “expand”):

NELSON : Yes. To build back better tax and fiscal policy, I’d love to inquire about your proposed tax hikes and tighter enforcement of tax laws. Biden frequently refers to raising tax on incomes higher than his own as fairness, while enforcing the current tax policy should be a matter where everyone pays their fair share. Republicans in Congress led by Jim Banks are pointing out a recent Congressional Research Service Report, in which they claim President Biden allegedly owes $500,000 to Medicare taxes. This is a result of him allegedly incorrectly categorizing $13,000,000 in income through scorporations in 2017, and 2018. So, tax law expert Robert Willens, who teaches at Columbia University said in my case — “in my view, the case can easily be made” by the I.R.S. Current law states that President Biden owes back tax. So, as he campaigns for — 

PSAKI: That is quite a long question. Your question is very long. I believe I get it. As you likely know, this has been proven false. Additionally, he has released his tax returns for many, many decades so that people can review them. 

Nelson tried to keep going, but Psaki cut him off in favor of National Journal’s George Condon.

Later, the Fox Business Network’s Edward Lawrence twice tried to get Psaki to explain why the U.S. continues to suffer issues with the supply chain despite assurances the Biden administration has been working on this since they took office (click “expand”):

LAWRENCE [was when]This supply chain disruption tax team was formed. Since it has been a problem for most of this year, I am just curious as to why it took the President so long to gather the two port heads and all the shipping firms to work out what was wrong with the supply chains. 

PSAKI: Well, I would say that the President has — the supply chain task force has been working around the clock for months and months now to address a range of different issues that we see in the supply chain and as you know, because you cover this pretty closely, there are issues at the ports and addressing the bottlenecks at the ports, those have been on the rise recently, but it’s something that he’s been working on and his team has born working on there. The supply chain is also plagued by a variety of issues. Not only is it a national problem, but global as well. We have made it a point to do so because we believe that this is morally right and a major contributor to the worldwide effort to end the pandemic. It’s why he’s pressed so hard for the chips legislation to ensure that the semiconductor shortages something that doesn’t halt production for the auto industry. As you know, it is not just one problem in the supply chain. There are many issues. It’s why our team have been trying to solve it for several months. Tomorrow is another chance. We have done numerous supply chain events in order to raise this issue and to tell Americans what we are doing to fix the bottlenecks. 

LAWRENCE: But are they — are we behind the curve? Are the president trying to move ahead on this matter behind the curve, or is he?

PSAKI: The President has been working on these topics for many months. Although it has made headlines in recent weeks, these are important issues President Obama is focusing his attention on. This is why he established a team at the N.E.C. These issues were addressed by the Department of Treasury and other agencies. It’s a fundamental challenge as the economy’s turning back on and one has been focused on from the first day.

In the liberal column, PBS’s Yamiche Alcindor wasted 83 seconds of time kvetching to Psaki about former President Donald Trump’s Iowa rally from Saturday and claims he leveled about the 2020 election. Talk about an abominable use of American taxpayer funds.

And CNN’s Kaitlan Collins provided some pro-White House framing of the many failures and pitfalls they’re facing: 

And there are several challenges facing the White House right now, not just getting the Democrats united on the President’s domestic agenda, but also skyrocketing gas prices, a bad jobs report last week. You’ve seen several issues and — including the President’s poll numbers seem to be reflecting that. What is his view of all these issues facing the White House at this time?

Oh, yeah. They’re “challenges.”

To see the relevant transcript from October 12’s briefing (including questions on Afghanistan from the Los Angeles Times’s Erin Logan and one on President Biden getting a physical from NBC’s Shannon Pettypiece), click here.

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