While students in California are being forced to wear masks for the entire school day due to the Omicron variant “crisis” – N95’s required in LA County even between classes and while playing outside – two of the state’s NFL teams faced off Sunday in a playoff game in front of over 70,000 mostly mask-free people.
Los Angeles County’s current regulations for attendees at “outdoor” mega events require either proof of vaccination or negative COVID test, and for masks to be worn *at all times* unless actively eating or drinking. For each bite, or drink, take the chin cloth down and then raise it up over your nose.
California Governor Gavin Newsom, and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti didn’t seem to mind.
At school, toddlers have to wear masks every day. Maybe one day they’ll be governor or the mayor of LA and they won’t have the follow the rules they impose on others. pic.twitter.com/YGJDZeBxGA
— Senator Melissa Melendez (@senatormelendez) January 31, 2022
Los Angeles sports agent Fadde Mikhail (who’s running as a Republican for Congress in suburban LA) reports that he was two boxes down from where Newsom and Garcetti were partying it up and says Newsom can’t use the excuse that he just took his mask down for a picture.
FYI…I was two boxes down from Gov. @GavinNewsom . He was not seen wearing a mask once. IF our governor doesn’t wear a mask in a stadium with 80K in it, why the hell should anyone be wearing a mask. #CA26 #ImRunningFor you.
— Fadde (@fadde) January 31, 2022
Mikhail also says that he was told that Newsom didn’t show his vaccine card while going through the VIP entrance to the stadium. Obviously that’s hearsay, but given that Mikhail attends all of the games in the VIP section due to his job, this hearsay is quite a bit more credible than most.
Also, I was told by Gov. @GavinNewsomDuring VIP entry into Sofi stadium, he did not present his vaccination card. I couldn’t take my son to a game all year long because he’s not vaccinated. More than 600k students are required to wear masks for eight hours per day. Have you no shame @GavinNewsom ?
— Fadde (@fadde) January 31, 2022
Last week, as mentioned previously, Los Angeles County’s N95 mask requirement went into effect, and employers in the county are forced to provide them to all of their employees. Yet “Babs” Ferrer, LA County’s ghoul of a Public Health Director (who’s not a doctor), is gushing about the county’s “partnership” with the NFL for the upcoming Super Bowl and claiming that they’ll be making big efforts to “remind” people to keep that useless piece of cloth properly installed.
Ferrer said that all Super Bowl attendees will get a KN95 mask and will have free COVID testing. She said that public health officers will do extensive outreach to ensure attendees wear their masks during games, except for when they are drinking or eating.
Will they be entering those *indoor* boxes and reminding those attendees that they’re not any more precious than the rest of us? Really, we’d rather they just do away with all of the insanity.
It’s past time for California parents to follow the example of the Canadian truckers. It’s mass non-compliance time.